
AMEN and thank you! How did this not make it into the top 5 I'll never know.

Did you really just say that? Really? Who in the last seven years has dismantled it's budget and repurposed NASA to Muslim outreach? Be honest.

But in the mean-time, can we drop a whole bunch of these into the middle east and let them run around? Please?

Well I’m sure the survivors are all saying to each other "I'm so damn glad he had to work for it to get his kills and he wasn't able to just shoot us"

Australia already has very tough gun laws so now all they need are tougher SUV and knife laws. Then there will no longer be any murders in the whole country. Right Obama?

It's rumored that Black Widow and Hulk become love interests with each other.

Your comment tells me one thing. You don't get your information from very many sources and the one's you use, for the most part, confirm what you already believe or want to believe. It's really sophomoric and juvenile. Don't use bad behavior to justify bad behavior.

Wait, what? ...and you accuse him of living in an alternate reality? Really?

Why did they use 70's porn music for the video? Now I find myself wanting to go "incognito" in a new window while I watch this in another.

...and his hair. His hair is it's own being and therefore is independent of him. Skyfire77's reply should have said "Giorgio Tsoukalos, the History Channel's go-to guy on Ancient Astronauts and meme generator extraordinaire and his hair". LoL But I digress.

Grow up.

What makes you think you're entitled to insurance provided by your employer? Insurance started being provided by employers as a perk to get good people not because they HAD to. If your employer doesn't offer it find one who does.

WOW! What? We're supposed to say thank you? Don't make the mistake of thinking America as a whole thinks like most of the people posting here. I'll leave it at that.

Please post a quote from someone one the right saying they appose him because of his color. Just one...


Do you honestly believe what you posted?

I can agree with about 95% of what you posted. However, the proper solution shouldn't include the government taking over.

You know you're wasting your time posting facts to most of these people don't you? They honestly don't want them. To most of them all they need is a headline confirming what they already think and the details don't matter. I give you props for trying though.

You are absolutely right. The problem though is so many people (most?) only listen to the words being said and not the actions leading up to or after they're said. It boils down to emotion. Appeal to a person's emotions and you'll win them over for a long time. It's how a particular party has be able to get away with

What settings in VLC am I missing when it comes to the audio? I can download about anything I want from the web and play it or convert it to what I need. However, the audio with everything sounds terrible. Like it's in a long metal tube. Any suggestions?