
@LTMP: he's technicly right, but in a really loose sense. Its akin to a car having a really consistently disasterous braking issue, Then saying everycar has braking issues. Whether or not those cars all have a braking issue nearly as life endingly bad is a different issue.

@Applerain: nerp, october for the christmas rush.

@trs: I think the white background with the reflection of the device reminds me more of the iphone than anything

@satirical duck hat: To be honest its probabably not mocking them, however the fact that people could perceive it as this means a bit of a blow to apple.

@Calrekabooki: did they ever release those? I know they had concept art out, but Im more of a marvel follower myself...

I suspect charlie and urien.

@gromrev: ...I understand that you still need to see the character portraits, but Im not a fan of that spaced layout.

@N-Robes: oh dont get me wrong, not scathing, still satire. If not just satirical.


dont 5+ dimensions more or less get rid of paradoxes? I thought it hit the point where multiple timelines can exist simutaniuosly.

how much!!!

@mricyfire: you also named something disgusting there.

@dswatson83: batterys are a fun one as well. 50 pack of AA's for 3$

@A.Jaswal: they sell them at my store.

@akf2000: dont bother, theyre far too much money, and yes, they are better than skull candy or just some earbuds, but your much btter just getting some bose over-ears

@A.Jaswal: the point is more than dollar store, but less than monster. The prices theyre giving are about right.

@N-Robes: didnt shaun of the dead compare modern life and the humdrum of the office etc to that of zombies. I'd say its satirical.