
@Lysdexia_NoKotakuEdition: crazy often gets countered by crazy. This guys trying to make a show of ridiculousness out of it.

lol. shinji still has a showgirl

@LTMP: Sigh. yah... but be be honest most probably would have been more along the lines of "hey guys, we made a big design mistake. This band has its problems", but without all of the bad move in between release and now.

@AdamKaoru: Back in the day, I will give you html support. they were the first to do it, but this isn't necessarily something that would have just been missed had apple not been around.

@electronic lemon: yes, I understand he has done pretty good things for the company, financially He's great.

@GuyWithDogs: Yerp. Apps are what this thing is. and any of the important ones are on android anyways.

@AdamKaoru: iPhone OS has never been fantastic in my book, just limiting. I look at the iphone as the apps it gets. as a phone for business/calling/etc Its never really been anything special.

@Knightblade: sorry bro, iPhone shenanigans attracts more visitors. besides, androids pretty bitching.

@johnwonderbread: I'll give them a little credit. Initially saying free bumper case sounded like an acceptable solution (alongside refunds etc).

@ilovetofu: there's a lie here or there I'm sure. If not a lie, at least a big exaggerated "every phone loses 5 bars when you hold it"

@XxgibnelxX: unsuccessful troll. bit obvious too.

@ilovetofu: Hopefully they become a better company for it. It would be nice to see some competition for windows. Not that I don't like windows, but haven't apple perform more respectably would definitely help them both out.

@DoYouLikeToastToo?: I haven't bothered with apple since those colorful buggers back in the day. more money, more defects, and more ridiculousness like this every year.

I'm more sick of this guy with every word that comes out of his mouth.

@guineapirate: yep, fine with the solution. although arguably its the sort of issue that could have been avoided miles away.

@Go Vols!: look at it in terms of efectiveness. there are still a substantial number of people who are upset... not yessss look at all the ones who are right. proportions obviously arent acurate, but the fact of the matter remains that there are people upset by the move

@oopsmyeye: Hmm, I must say, my dislike is more oriented towards their policys/practices more than anything. every time Ive ever fiddled with an iphone I cant think of it as anything but an average phone. dont really dislike it as it definitly does the trick, but then again its not really phone-jesus...