
I do the same. My only exception is tongs which I use so often. I keep them looped over my oven door handle for easy reach.

I think he/she means they keep strict Kosher which means separate cookery and dishes for meat and dairy.


Whoa whoa whoa. Yes, I agree with what you are saying, but I think you took what I said WAY TOO LITERALLY.

The costs are no where near as bad as you state if you do grocery shopping on a regular basis. Do you not use butter, cheese and milk for other things?

Doesn’t matter. Onion rings rule all.

If you ever make chicken with 40 cloves, you’ll see why. ;)

Shut down the comments. This one wins them all.

Mark Twain, greatest American writer. Love his stuff.

Enchilladas, Pasta, Fried Rice, Omelettes, Soups (so many soups), stir fries, curry dishes, salads, quesadillas.

Love Pliskin, but compared to the greatness of Columbo?

What a bag of shit this guy is.

Thailand too.

My issue is that Tab sharing on Chrome doesn’t work 100%. Extremely frustrating. I’ve basically given up and moved back to Firefox/Safari.

People think the “number” is important? Really?

“Does the Pope masturbate?”

Sorry, but in this GoT fiction, on her “wedding night?” Nope. Nothing she could say or do would have prevented that.

This film is AMAZING. A MUST SEE.

Amazing and beautiful article. Was in near tears towards the end.

First it was a joke. Second, the timing? Then it makes his “quit” a whole lot worse.