
Fair enough. Have you considered doing the prep you need with uncut veggies on an "off day" of the week? It honestly shouldn't take you to prep the "main" veggies you use in an hour. Wrap them up, and you're good to go. This way you get the best of both worlds? Cheaper, longer lasting food, and more options?

My main issue (besides cost) of using pre-cut veggies is that they go bad much much faster than unprepped veggies.

100% with you. I'm pretty much done tying up birds. I've *never* had a better tied up roasted chicken (or turkey) that was better than a butterflied/spatchcocked bird.

Oh right, you are the expert on this matter. I forgot. What the heck do you think folks have been trying to do for the past 50+ years? Do you honestly believe that the US, S. Korea, it's citizens, the UN, etc. have been sitting around twitting their thumbs and being all "Gangam style? "

Honestly dude, just shut up and sit down. You really have ZERO idea what the heck you're talking about.

And on indulgence days? Cereal with half and half. Yes, I know... madness, but amazing.

Nope. Hate this BS nonsense. Fuck this BS nonsense.

FYI... Best hot chocolate is made with milk.

There's no understanding, that is INEXCUSABLE. Period.

I'm on #teambakeyourbacon as well

Guess ya don't like cheese.

"How do you go about freezing buttermilk? I can't imagine you just stick the half-open carton in the fridge..."

Wasn't talking about previous versions but the *current* version. That's the point. Yes, you are right in the *past* Apple restricted access to TouchID (they do this with all new products), but they let it "go" later on - which is what they did with TouchID. Likewise, it's most likely with RFID with iOS 9 to allow

I have an overstuffed freezer *because* I cook all the time. It affords me with some conveniences, but like this article says at some point you have to clear out the freezer.

Best articles on Cast Iron Skillets:

LOL. Now that has me in chuckles. Nice one.

Not all: realdoll.com

Never liked Last Pass b/c of their subscription model. At the end of the day, you pay *a lot* more than platforms like 1Password.

Actually no. Chrome hasn't implemented this on their iOS browser. This is *not* an Apple limitation.

Where the fuck is Risk? One of the best examples of a board game that actually plays better as a video game.