i care about your boner

(It’s not.)

Let’s shut this the fuck up once and for all:

Human DID NOT CAUSE climate change. Humans CAN’T CAUSE climate change. If we DID have the technology to artificially induce an entirely different climate around the entire planet....then we wouldn’t have to fucking worry over climate change!

Doesn’t the Solano County DA have better shit to do than create a precedent for caffeine as driving under the influence. Anyone who lives there can tell you there’s far worse shit going on in that county.

Department of alcoholic beverage control is patrolling in unmarked cars and has the authority to arrest citizens. You Americans have way too many “cop” departments that can arrest you.

So he basically cut off a government employee and the employee and their department is trying to process the individual on DUI charges because they’re on a power trip.

Yeah, the problem here is technicality. Just because you might be able to interpret a law one way does not mean it will stand in court. The thing is that they will have to prove that the caffeine in his system impaired him to an extent in line with the law.

ABC cops everywhere suck. In Virginia the other year, they drew guns and jumped on the hood of a college girl’s car because they thought the case of sparkling water cans she was carrying out of a grocery store was beer and that she had bought in underage. You know, instead of just politely checking the case on her way

If his toxicology report came back clean of everything they tested for except caffeine, then what other justification can they possibly have for giving him a DWI?

Exactly! It looks like abuse of power to me. He cut her off; she revenges. It should be clear from the moment when they arrested him despite blowing 0% BAC.

Glaziers are skilled tradesmen, much like plumbers or electricians. They have to go through the whole apprenticeship and journeyman path to become glaziers. Calling a glazier a glass installer is like calling a master plumber a toilet unclogger. The master plumber is the guy who constructs the entire system and is

What’s amazing is you can take blood from a person for no reason other than suspicion.

That should be twitters motto.

Alternate headlines:

Don’t know if you are referring to the book or an actual purpose driven life, but pretty sure I don’t have either.

Don’t know if you are referring to the book or an actual purpose driven life, but pretty sure I don’t have either.

Next thing you know the new U2 album will be installed for you...

Did you even read or glance over the article? He has all the parts. He didn’t do this to make an extra dime off of VW.

It’s a VW. The buttons didn’t all work when it was brand new. Why should he have to build it better than the factory that made it?

The dude is A-OK in my book. (“Petty”—say whut?) Whiners getting on Mayer’s case need to grasp a couple of facts:

DEVASTATED, hahaha. I guess I do have a flair for the dramatic. People like to classify SAAB owners as weirdos and Architects...I guess I’m both.