Yep, we live in a built to fail society these days.
This already is about men, because the primary argument people are making in support of a Clinton vote is about stopping Trump.
You might be right and frankly it really should not be any of my business but I did mention it. I guess what I am saying is if you really believe in a political movement to the point of where you loudly proclaim you are not standing by your man and yet you do for what appears to be little more than you own political…
Naw, but I have been repeating it since the late 90s. She did exactly what she needed to get more power. She defended and voted for the most homophobic act in American history. She defended and voted for a war that cost over a trillion dollars based on evidence that does not exist.
It is historic, first time a former president launched and grew the political career of his spouse through back door deals and bribes to this extent. Congratulations Bill, this is the best con of your career!!!!!
I would think objecting to a neoliberal warmonger with no discernible progressive opinions would kinda fall in there.
I don't think Bernie can take credit for progressives hating Hillary. That kind of goes with being progressive.
The Nürburgring remains one of the most dangerous tracks in the world. Stay safe out there, everyone.
This article is in need of a few clarifications.
I know! I can’t believe Gawker didn’t get their hands on it first!
I was promised music, but then I found out Kanye still doesn’t know what that is...
I keep trying to give Kanye a chance because people seem to agree with him when he insists that he is talented. Perhaps I just don’t “get it”, but I don’t get it.
Wow, Jerry of Garcia! That’s some good self-promotion!
Thankfully, there is an option where Sulu was never closeted, AND we get LGBTQ representation- Sulu has been queer/pan the whole time! It just never came up before because, why should it?
The Republican campaign against her has been an embarrassment (though at least slightly more coherent than the similar Benghazi push, which as far as I can tell consisted almost entirely of “Benghazi!”). That doesn’t mean she gets to ignore the Federal Records Act though.
Still not happy about it. I mean I certainly don’t want president Trump, but what she was doing was also unquestionably illegal. It might be minor crime, but not a fan of the rich, powerful, and connected be immune to prosecution.