fuckleberry hinn

So bad time to provide further context to your coworker’s inclusion of the Minaj-Rosenberg spat, but 3 minutes later is an ok time to post an article of jokes about Ciara and Russel Wilson boning? Did we collectively fix police violence in those 180 seconds?

Also, an article of yours just ran with the title “I Now Pronounce These Two Allowed to Fuck” about Ciara and her fiancé...right after an article about a Black man dying in the street.

Then why did your colleague include that in her article, Sis?

Bad time for this “tangent” in the article too, then?

So Millennial men are less performative of their machismo in this area. Cool, good.

I can fake it when I have to, for job interviews and such, but for the most part I assume that anyone who bases their first impression of a person on how well they perform an awkward, outdated, useless, and all-together silly little social contact ritual, isn’t someone worth impressing. I mean really, the handshaking

That comment was unacceptable...

Rape is never acceptable, which is why there absolutely should be an easier way to ensure that Mumford and Sons never plays in my town.

Having actually read the whole thing, I like how it’s he’s basically like, “yeah, she totally did all the stupid shit they’ve been saying she did”, but then at the end he’s like “but we think she shouldn’t be prosecuted because she was just ignorant”. I understand his statement that in most cases of being ignorant the

Still though, it really hurts my personal faith in her as a candidate. I’ve been trying for the last several months to psych myself into being excited for her as the nominee, but she keeps doing things that bother me, and her doing any thing as Secretary of State that can be described as “enormously stupid” is a big

“You were completely reckless with sensitive government information in flagrant violation of the rules. But that took courage, for some reason. Therefore, FIFTY POINTS TO GRIFFINDOR!!!”

Incompetent, reckless, and negligent, but not criminal. That is an exoneration any POTUS candidate should be proud to run on.

Democrats might not want to be too happy about this, it’s probably the best outcome for trump and the pubs. If Clinton were indicted it’s possible she drops out or be replaced at the convention...and not by sanders. Instead of a fresh new nominee with a fraction of clintons baggage, the pubs will have a highly damaged