Social Justice and Everlasting Pasta4all

they should have just shouted #FAKENEWS

I was sexual harassed by a woman i worked with.

Chaos Emerald flavor shots?

according to the polls last year, the people living in the big cities think America only exist there and the rest of us don’t matter

I did not see it in the Xbox or Ps4 stores...

you could probably watch the Coon episodes they did...

Did they not just celebrate the life of Hugh Hefner?

yes but the more money you make the eaiser it is to get away with it while on the other end if a woman went into a police station and lied to cops about a rape that man’s life would be over.

who knew Vince McMahon was playing him during the Attitude Era.

I mean if some dude wanted to slap one out in front of me and i’d become rich and famous? i’d be more than happy to hand him some paper towels after he’s done.

Hollywood seems to love glorified violence maybe they should start there?

i mean i’d rather they spend the money helping people who need birth control for medical reasons other than “i want to get laid” people.

i mean all cops are bad,right?

unless something bad happens where you see an entire cities police force run into danger I guess that works.

and more!

it’s like everyone is an ass hole lol

Hollywood makes Trump look like King Arthur

seems like a debate for people who live in large cities.

Don’t worry it’ll be taken care of tonight when the NFL takes a knee

I’m not sure but I guess the early 1930s?