Social Justice and Everlasting Pasta4all

I didn’t know sport athletes now represent us.

Dear Nintendo,

so in other words the didn’t spend the money they needed to update the conditions just like every one else.

Saturday Night Live would make jokes like that about them and Lindsay Lohan.

what is “white”? my family came over and got stuffed in the mines digging coal. I never was able to meet my grandfathers because of black lung. Now i’m lumped in with these ass holes because my skin color is the same even though half my family is polish. They had to change their names to be “american” or speak


then late in the game he has to sit out a play because of the heat lol

well im sure when we go to war with NK all these players will signing up for military service to help protect this nation.

i can stream my phone screen and use wireless controllers which is easier than using the Pi or Nes Classic

this game would be perfect for the Switch

and they say Trump is the problem.


lol like this wouldn’t happen before Twitch and online streamers?

so how long until Star Fox 2 hits the wild wild internet?

we pray that white people will stop being born racist

Xbox 4k didn’t sound better?

ps1 classics? maybe after all this time we can play Ridge Racer on ps4 lol

I took a knee during the national anthem which drove up my jersey sales but i still sucked with low stats.


lol Border Patrol agents shouldn’t do their job?