The taxes collected are never commensurate with the demands of these social programs.
The taxes collected are never commensurate with the demands of these social programs.
The problem is that evolutionary psychology is prone to corporate exploitation. It’s highly susceptible to be used as fodder for those god awful Mars Venus books.
Has anyone addressed that a cancer stricken Jane Foster has been reveled to be lady Thor all along.. So uhmm go and put Thor on the list.
This is objectification and I don’t support it...
Most people don’t go to see movies with an intention of walking out of the theater feeling as if the director is out to oppress them. Some of us leave our martyrdom complexes at home with the sitter.
You’re adding a lot of your own context to it.
Is it wrong to say that having children negatively affects a women's productivity and availability to work the same hours as a man?
I wonder when people are going to finally realize that suicide by cop is becoming an epidemic.
She hates other women
The story seems kind of sketchy to me to begin with. "Hold it's legs"!? That's a little too objectificationy.
....and we would've gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for that pesky feminism.
My sister is an educator and I do understand the plight of young African Americans trying to make their way through these war zones. When I was one of those under privileged black youths, all I ever wanted was to get away from those kids with abandoned class mentalities.
Failing schools are the worst. Charter schools are just stop gap solutions.
Wow...This is pretty big. Congrats.
What if the gaming industry can't survive with out GamerGaters?
Why was this pedantic, rambling mind-numblingly tedious article so long?
Since I obviously lack reading comprehension & critical thinking skills, would you mind explaining to dumb'ol me what you mean by Racist?
I see someone's been dipping into the hyperbolic rhetoric jar.
Come on now, was this really a debate or did you just call other people racist then patted yourself on the back.
It's also pointless to assume that proclaiming someone to be Racist will automatically silence people who disagree with you.