
Man'spilanation: Comedy comes from being able to laugh at the problems of others . I would guess lesbians have it tougher so their jokes are more gut wrenching.

Under what criteria are we to suppose to judge a persons level of discomfort? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds to base prosecution the on subjective and arbitrary testimonies of people who "feel" like they're in danger? Grow up!

Well look at it this way. One Ruling will give you the power to prosecute people who threaten you online, another will validate your 1st amendment rights. I don't see how women could loose in this.

You're saying that because we live in a time of relative peace in the United States, all arguments contesting the fact that you had to sign up to be part of a conscripted armed forces while your sisters (*in Christ) don't are invalid?

How would you define Islamophobia?

Men have to deal with the draft and the Violence against Women's Act. You cant even name one arbitrary law that that expressly favors men over women. We don't live in a "Patriarchy".

Blah Blah Blah Lower college attendance,

Well then excuses me for missing the offending post.

Am I wrong?

Blog rage is good for page views.

Catty ad hominems aside, he was only referring to his subjective opinions and last time I checked, having opionions isn't the same as oppressing people. You might think otherwise but I assure you it's not.

You 'R' one lazzzy authoritarian. The man is just making a simple point on self acceptance vs subjectivity. He's not a troll, he just have a different opinion then your's.

I never understood why seemingly intelligent people would want to embrace such a lazy argument. All gender is not socially constructed. Sex fuels gender. It might not control gender outright per say but the metaphysics of sex (hormones, genitalia, cognition) are in inescapable influences.

You're behind enemy lines devildogg. This topic is dominated by emotional authoritarians demanding strict adherence to a singular interpretation of trans sexuality.

You're intentionally dodging the question. I didn't ask if he's a good person or not, I just wanted to know if he could be considered talented.

Are you sure she wasn't out to streamline the economy? "Destroying the middle class" sounds cartoonishly nefarious and well.. just plain childish.

Sorry about the typos. Android sucks.

I'm sure that Australia's coal industry is about as profit motivated as the one United States. The United kingdom's was a burden on the populous and a drain on the economy.

You're being a little melodramatic. It's one thing to say that the transition wasn't very smooth but it doesn't change the fact the it was inevitable.

You're underestimating their fear of rejection.