Edge of desire will destroy you post break up. Dang song should come with a warning label
Edge of desire will destroy you post break up. Dang song should come with a warning label
Okay, but in your opinion is he talented?
Come on now, the speech was well delivered but do really think cottage industries like coal mining would have lasted forever on government subsidies? I don't suppose you shed the same tears in regards to what the information age is doing to print journalism now do you?
OH 4 CHRISTS SAKE IT WAS COOOOOAL! We're better off with out it. Th world had long since moved on to diesel. Welcome to the 20'th century.
Oh come on.. at this point I think it's safe to say that John Mayer is a musical genius.
The only point I'd be willing to concede is in cases of self defense. This was assault.
Don't rationalize violence. It's just wrong.
I love the hypocrisy in your argument. "Oh he's bigger" "she was being held back the whole time" "female and male violence is different".
What if he says that he wanted her to be more mature and/or provocative with her writing? She's kindda screwed. TMZ is one of the most lewd shows on television, if they could prove that she was too girly, too nice or sweet and safe they'll be in the clear. I think her career as a comedy writer anywhere is over
There's something to be said for an assertive tone. In the Marines we called it command presence. I could still remember my drill instructor's hat 2 inches from my face shouting ,"Well RECRUIT ARE YOU ASKING ME OR ARE YOU TELLING ME? and the ever popular "SOUND OFF LIKE YOU GOT A PAIR"...
In your opinion is the ideal society androgynous?
Agreed but lets be honest, Beyonce is about as Feminist as she is a demure Christian. You just got to know when to ask her publicist.
That's not true. Everytime a celebrity refuses to be identified as a feminist, this site holds Beyonce as the gold standard. Why are you so bitter.
Everyone has a right to disagree with Ms. Hooks. It's a free country...jus'saying...
I get a gif?♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
There is no way to discuss this without dehumanizing both sides. So why drag this into the gutter.
I didn't start the discussion. I just disagreed with the person who did.
For the sake of human decency, we shouldn't be having a rape children vs murder children debate. Somethings are better off unsaid.
Look kid, just own up to your gender privilege and we would be having these nonsensical discussions.
Thank YouTube for the coverage. The mainstream media could not care less.