
And yet, if they took those same young 300 young boys and turned them into child soldiers we'd have to wait for YouTube to make a documentary to find out about it.

Al Sharpton is a former drug runner who was never ordained and Jesse Jackson is a moral entrepreneur who shakes down companies for social justice kick backs and special interest favors. My comment stands.

sorry...I missed my target commenter.

I spit on your pitty. Besides, haven't you read the prior reports of Boko Haram invading class rooms full of young children, killing the boys and sending the girls home.

Thanks but that wasn't the context of the original post.

I hope this situation brings to light that faith is the worst excuse to hurt people.

Sharpton and Jackson don't have a book regulating their behavior.

Well score one for Fox. The first I've heard of Boko Haram they slaughtered college dormitory full of men by setting the building a fire with the men still inside. This was weeks before the kidnapping.

_"Still, it’s unclear whether Boko Haram is actually affiliated with Al Qaeda because they recruit and act locally, says Professor Lubeck."

Well actually it does make perfect sense when you consider that the jackass who said it most likely lives in fer that he has nothing to offer a woman other then a supplemental income.

I would assume that this has everything to do with what men fear, strive for and fail at juxtaposed to the same expectations & experiences women face.

Bryan Singer didn't create the X-Men. Why should a franchise based on super powered under dogs be ruined?

What does this have to do with MRA's?

*our "Manhood" (not out)

Look the problem boys face is that we have to give birth to out "Manhood" by doing something exceptional. It doesn't really matter what. We get our confidence from what we do well and not what we look like. You might be seeing the confidence of the jock or party boy but you don't see the rest of us when were are too

Just teach them feminism and call it "New Manhood" it worked on me nephews.

I'm just saying that this incident is forcing you to be impartial...(*for a change)

Donald Sterling's racist comments were just tooo good..

Ahem...NO WAR FOR OIL!! You must work for the Koch Brothers or something.

You painted yourself in a logistical wall, don't cha' think? In the process of blaming this incident of European colonization, you had to admit that Arads expanded their territories in the same violent fashion as those evil white dudes...