
Well we could try and be honest enough to admit that femenism is frontline advocacy for women's rights. *(emphasis on the frontline advocates part.)

Well we could try and be honest enough to admit that femenism is frontline advocacy for women's rights.

Unfortunately I'm dead serious. The Black Panther movie (*or African Batman) would only get attention for it's misappropriation of the name and purpose of the 60's radical movement.

I officially hate you now.

Oh climb off it. Absolutely No one is going to see a Black Panther movie. I'm a black comic book nut and I won't see it.

The sad thing is Michael Dunn actually beat the murder 1 charge but was caught in the subsequent discharge of a firearm laws for missing the other 3 teens. He'll do 20 years apiece for each child he shot at.

There is no such thing as a warning shot in the state of Florida. If you shoot, you get a mandatory sentence. Besides Marissa Alexanders was proven to be a violent lunatic who plays with restraing orders as much as she plays with the truth.

I loved going to the strip clubs so much that when I got promoted as the night shift supervisor, my favorite spot went out of business. I would play the shy role and sit on my hands and just talk & compliment (& pay out the nose).

Let me just add that society installed in our psyche that only commercially attractive women are beautiful so if you want to feel beautiful yourself then you could only get validation from a commercially attractive woman.

Face exploded in embarrassing laughter...

"There is not a lot of "gray area" within rape. If a person is not conscious, sober, and continuously consenting without coercion, there is no consent, and that is rape"..

Okay my good man, you are absolutely entitled to your opinion. But I think you might be underestimating the extent at which us black folk would like to have more sedate, sophisticated 'boring' men of color with their snooty British accents and dry senses of humor repersented in the media.

Okay lets just pretend that I understand that a woman has every right to her body autonomy right? (Iknow..I know..just humor me) I would never condone someone violating your body autonomy. But there is alot of gray area between Violent Rape, Date Rape, & *false (non intercourse straight up the chick lied and the guy

Well I don't want to blab your ear off about how guilty I feel. That would be a waste of time.

Are you sure you're not butt hurt that Idris Elba played Heimdall in the Thor movies?

Marvel comics scooped him up already. Warner Brothers/DC once offered the roll to Rapper/Actor Common.

Ha! My point is that counrter cultures revolves around criminality and disorder. If you think mainstream work a day folk condone this kind of thing then I wouldn't be surprised if you believe that the government is run by the boys of XBOX LIVE.

If I rape someone then I will go to jail. That's all I need to know & that's all I care about. Lobbing accusations of "Rape Appologist" at me is about as mature & effective as calling me a poopy-head. People shouldn't have to apologies for thier "perspectives" or their "opinions". I could understanding Rape Tolerater

I guess this shows that having a fast start at an entry level position doesn't automatically grant you the status of "downer spouse". Although it could be said that most women aren't given the same advancement opportunities as their male peers.

You're not married are you?