
A man's earning potential will aways be a factor on whether or not women get married or stay married. Even when she makes exceptions for stay at home dads.

Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I wasn't clear. I'm just saying that you are confusing what goes on in a counter culture with what goes on in a niche community.

I never said anything in regards to the fairness or unfairness of rape prosecution. I was just pointing out the power & the opportunity for abuse of power that your perspective lends itself to.

Are you talking about counter cultures when you mean to say niche communities? Is that's what's bugging you?

There's always a line? You must mean when white folk do it.
On real rap Battles Ive seen:
-Death threats
-Rape threats
-Guns drawn
-Physical assault

There's always a line? You must mean when white folk do it.
On real rap Battles Ive seen:
-Death threats
-Rape threats
-Guns drawn
-Physical assault

Is there any greater repsentation of gender then how society views the ways women should react to or be protected from violence.

The only thing left for you to do now is to objectively define rape. They say sex with out concent is rape but they also say that concent is a living contract that could be removed pre or post any writen or oral contract. It's a challenging prospect considering the power it grants the accusers over the accused

Sorry to tell you this but ALL counter cultures begin were womenz' delicate sensibilities end. You should probably learn some humility. Otherwise you'll be spending the rest of your life going from one underground group to the next ordering men to behave. Cheers!

I don't understand your veiws. Rap Battles are inherently hyper masculine, barbaric, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, violent, and completely fixated on raw dominance. It was wrong of her to participate in a counter culture where her femininity would be anathema to their existence.

That's sad. She's such an icon.

So ultimately her parents should be able to contest the ruling on multiple grounds. Fine.

So ultimately her parents should be able to contest the ruling on multiple grounds. Fine.

Point taken.

Hehehe.. That would violate the oath I took to be the most passive aggressive d-bag on this site. (LoL.. it's in my name for christ sake)

I'm having a tough time figuring out if you're addressing something that I said personally, or are you just making broad generalizations about any run of the mill pathetic, lovelorn Nice Guy looser.

Intresting read but I'm not worried about what the sex workers do with their freedom. I'm more concerned with how it will affect you in the long run. I don't want you or any other dude to end up a notch on some hypocritical politician's gun belt or a financier of a disengenuos person's bank statement.

You sir are one brave dude. Owning up to your short comings and acknowledging that you've exploited your female friends takes a lot of courage and for that I commend you....

Very true, and a lot of this Nice Guy stuff has everything to do with chasing after unavailable women.

Yeah of course it's all about maturity right? We need to stay classy for no other reason then to preserve our own emotional well being. But it's strange to me how much revulsion comes out when a guy rejects his friend zone status & just leaves. I mean who cares if he has a few curt words to say about the situation as