
Oooooor maybe just maybe "a good women" is the life line to a patriarchal man's humanity and dare I say it, the voice of his maturity..

Wwwhat did you say the wouldn't have everyone texting back "Speak of the devil"non the FB page.

It would work if your intention is to chase the film industry out of your state. New York could be duplicate anywhere.

What Tea Party are you talking about, the Taxed Enough Already libertarians or the rage filled mob of racist white nationalists?

That doesn't mean responsible reforms aren't't in order. In some stated it takes a $200,000 audit to prove that you can't make the payments. If you can't afford the audit or the payments you'll go to jail every weekend for the next 18 years. Then there's the issues of paternity fraud.

What!? You don't like the man hating serial killer Wonder Women of the New52 or the idiot Wonder Women who let her Amazon Sisters massacre Washington DC.

If the government were to increase the likelihood of men getting into the health care fields by easing the requirements for acceptance, I have not doubt that some women would be upset.

Maybe boys could be given a more universally acceptable message on what it is to be a modern man followed by some media awareness classes and sexual morality 101.

You're right. Encouraging more women to get into Stem fields won't hurt me at all. I was being unfair and maybe I was being intimidated at the prospects of an even wider achievement gap. The last comment was me making fun of my own immaturity.

So what are you saying? Equality or G.T.F.O?..

1st of all let me say that I never attributed young boys failing in schools as a byproduct of the "War on Boys" at least not any where on this discussion. What I wanted to get across is the possibility of being proactive in reducing the downward trend of boy's poor academic performance.

We're all locked in this competition for prosperity and if you think adding more government grants to women in S.T.E.M fields is a fair use of our tax dollars then I can't fault you. But, by taking up sides on this issue, you end up admitting that men and women have competing interest.

Men got to be in charge of the first 10,000 years of human history simply because relative to women, their physiques were, on average 4 or 5 inches taller with a few more pounds of muscle. That's it


Also men who don't believe in college usually end up in trade schools so the lower attendance thing is kinda over blown.

You view of Egalitarianism would require government intervention, regulated hiring practices, administrations overseeing pay irregularities, law suites, fines and possible confiscation of assets.

You really want to have this conversation don't you? Fine.

As someone who wasn't able to get a seat in New York City's highly competitive nursing fields (*3000 students fighting for 22 positions...geezus!), I don't support red carpeting women through the S.T.E.M fields.

See that's my problem with academic Feminism you're only seeing half of the problem.

Well we could at least agree that infantalized male is the direct message we're getting from the media. If me putting male exploitation into words causes any revoltion then you could believe that I'm satisfied.