
You know that study doesn't surprise me at all. Boys might just be adept at using academic success to validate their worth to their female classmates. It's one of my biggest dreads on the state of modern masculinity. The toss up between cyinisizm vs. Female validation (*cuz God knows if you're naturally bookish then

I have a small problem with your otherwise intelligently noble comment. What happens when you realize that boys have abandoned society for video games, apathy, fear and ultimately terabytes upon terabytes of f-r-e-e online pornography?

A Boy who acts like a girl is seen as someone who is fraudulently partaking in behaviors and social norms that he's not entitled to (* crying, designing, baking, chatterboxing)

Not really it just brings to light that the good'ol'boys networks have consolidated to the Mitt Romneys of the world while the the Al Bundy's got outsourced out industrialized & out manual labored by the modern workforce.

When Capitalism and Sexism merge to form a successful business venture, like Frozen, blaiming the messanger is kinda stupid.

Do you really think that black men and white women would derail the conversation? I know this discussion could get contentious but for the life of me I wouldn't recommend holding it in a bunker of sisters. Besides which I have a bunch of theories about the "Strong Black Women" tm that I'd love to get somr feed back

Why would he need to "handle a strong black woman"? Why is he not entitled to peace in his home?

The boy's testimony did her in. They said that their father was trying to hurry them out of the door when she fired at his head.

Hay, here's a crazy thought, what if she started the physical altercation & what if she needlessly escalated the drama by retrieving her firearm?

Sorry to be the one to tell you this but the 2 boys who were in the line of fire were not ms Alexander's biological children. They belonged to her ex husband. Her newborn daughter was still in the natal ward at the time.

34 up votes...really?

Don't ever apologize for a late reply. Have you herd the rumors that they might turn the Amazons into ancient Kryptonians/human half breeds?

David Beckham as Cable? Bite your tongue! How would you like it if The Wonder Woman movie had a dance number huh?..would ya like to go through Legally Blonde 2 again...hmm? I don't think so.

Good Lord! Your chemistry professor called...she said put those comic books down and get back to studying A.S.A.P.

I think you're not seeing something here. Wonder Women is and always will be the Holy Ghost of the DC Trinity. Her origin has changed so often it's getting to the point of becoming irrelevant.

"Misandrist baby killers"!?.....

HA! I called it. If you're gonna make Wonder Woman movie ya gotta eliminate her history, her issues with men and maybe even her feminism.

Well I suppose "Daddening" would be the safest way to eliminate sexual tension.

I'd like to add that women would sooner support a movie where a man misbehaves for the first 2 acts only to magically pulls his head out of his ass in the 3rd act rather then to see a female protagonist with her shit together from jump.