
You're underestimating the necessary computing power needed to animate waist length translusive blonde hair.

Oh Jez...it sounds like you have a lot of litmus test for your friendship and your acknowledgement of feminist purity.

Her mantras "Be a man or I wont want anything to do with your worthless mooching, parasitic ass" is the reasons why I get up in the morning. ..and also why cry myself to sleep at night.

Her mantras "Be a man or I wont want anything to do with your worthless mooching, parasitic ass" is the reasons why I get up in the morning. ..and also why cry myself to sleep at night.

Sorry but a competitive free-market won't sit around and wait for every individual women to start a family while production schedules, deadlines and customer satisfaction quotas need to be met.

Well I'd choose Spiderman's strength and agility. *Fun fact: the famous motto "With great power comes great responsibility" was likely pulled from Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead".

Well I'd choose Spiderman's strength and agility. *Fun fact: the famous motto "With great power comes great responsibility" was likely pulled from Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead".

Ahem...HELMETS! I think helmets infantalize men we shouldn't be forced to wear them in football & baseball. We aren't children... dang you Matriarchy!!!!

I worry about Elizabeth. Kilmead and Douchie have made many a co-host walk off set in a rage. They have her twerking for the audience by November.

Dude, I think you're trying too hard to find sexism where common sense has already been vindicated. You don't need to indicte the entire field of sports medicine to prove that women are at a disadvantage.

Bull-Puckky! The 1st Female match in the UFC was a hot blonde vs a short haired Marine-Lesbian-Killing Machine.

Considering her successful carrier and her super wealthy husband, I'd have to say her agent was right.

Uhm..Okay, I wanted to ask you this a while back...

Morality. . The answer you think I won't say is morality. You feminists much like all other democrats refuse to cleve the middle class people of color from the moral absurdities of the lower class people of color.