
Pft..None of you have the authenticity or courage to tell black people what they need. You just go about talking about them like they're charity cases.

Oh climb off it. Feminist do not care about race. They're only placating black issues as means to garner more political power for white women.

Stupid observation but isn't the fact that Harley Quinn is part of a team called Suicied Squad ultimately makes your comment and this article seem doppy, heavy handed, rediculous, nonsensical, misguided..etc

Yeah! He should know that whiteknights & feminist don't take too kindly to male centered high conflict story telling that, (gasp!) involve women. How dare DC make stories for men when they know WotansWoods is patrolling the web.

Women's role is what ever she chooses it to be but I for one, am looking for a symbiotic relation free of accusations of oppression and parasitism. My women's role is that of a full partner.

You know there's an addendum to that right? "with great power comes great responsibility...to the people you actually give a fuck about, the rest could eat shit and die!

That's a fantastic observation but isn't the pension for safe storytelling is what's holding up & holding back YA literature? I would love to read a character deconstruction of a not-so-pure female protagonist who's dealing with a personal failure & not just the dating/daddy issues dejuor. I would love to know what

That's the good news. The bad news is that for the 1st time ever "Kids React" shut down their comments section because of all the hateful comments they were getting.

Ahh the emotional gluttony of our modern day North American confused & hopelessly lonely gen-Y dude bro. Is there anything in this world more pathetic?

Ahh the emotional gluttony of our modern day North American confused & hopelessly lonely gen-Y dude bro. Is there anything in this world more pathetic?

I'm guessing someone "currs" enough to treat the dude as a if he's a freak show laughing stock. ...So uhm yeah...U Currr.

Well thank you very very much Gender War Smurf.

Don't judge me but Heathcliff Huxtable, Al Bundy & Jason Seaver make up my three wise men of tv dads.

The song was given the "feminist seal of disapprovel" at Think Progress which is of course marketing GOLD. Btw his father is Alan Thicke: T.V dad of 80's sit-com Growing Pains & the guinness who wrote the Different Strokes & Facts of Life theme songs...

"Sometimes people make this point from a moral stance — who are we to condemn another culture's treatment of women when we treat our women poorly too, and it's not our culture anyway"

If you're going to conflate Texas politician's use of health codes to reduced the amount of abortion providers in their state with the Teliban's long history of violently brutal religious authoritarianism against men & women, then I'm going to have some serious reservations about your judgment.

Are you making a moral equivalency argument between the US & the Teliban?

I collected comic books as an esacape from street violence & my own feelings of inadequacy. I can't imagine how uncomfortable it is for young men to be cloistered in what they deem a male safe space only to be confronted by perceived cause of their insecurities.

So do you think Geek Girls are pulling away Geek Guys security blankets from them?

For the sake of balancing out the agrument, I'd like to address the notion that young men are drafted in a continual game of "King of the Mountain". Whether the wish to participate or not is irrelevant. Society will still impart rewards to dudes who demonstrate a single minded sence of determinism.