What Would Justin Do?

Sometimes it is brutish men on there setting traps to rob and kill unsuspecting genuine gay men. I recently read of a 16yo girl who went on Grindr and used a fake profile to get nude pics of her teacher which she shared with others to ridicule him. A lot of catfish are on dating apps so persons have to be smart and at

Felt the same way. Would have loved to seen some of his plans take shape. Like have him build a weapon with the vibranium or show what happened when he sent the weapons to a group of radicals. He was only king for like 5 minutes.

“Shuri is everything..” Wasn’t familiar with her past work but she almost stole the whole damn movie. Quite a natural.. Very impressive!!

100% agree. I didn’t know much of his backstory, and Coogler did a fantastic job of fleshing out Killmonger’s character. Shuri is everything, she was easily one of the best parts of the movie. She is so vivacious, like all of the other amazing female characters. It’s fantastic to see the marriage of both femininity

This is what I felt, it was too fast, but it had to capture a lot in terms of story and plot, I don’t mind that the action was not much, it just felt like a black version of Thor, drama and Shakespearean family drama and lies with some bit of morals of the story and action scenes, also, James Bondish moment.

If I have to criticise one thing in the movie (and as a nerd, nitpicking something I love is like air to me...) I would say I would have definitely liked to see more of Killmonger as king too. Just some of his plans for the vibranium weapons, maybe the process of bringing the Wakandans around to his side, etc. The

Thanks for the info, I’ll be the first to tell you I’m not very familiar with the history of Black Panther. It would be a shame for Marvel to lose such a deep and diverse character that was developed and I think will have quite a following. I know when I was in the theater I was hoping that Killmonger had a little

I have a feeling he will be back, because his suit was that of the Golden Jaguar. This is going to be one of the superhero deaths that people always seem to come back from.

Good article. I missed the importance of the 1992 when I went to see the movie. I wish Killmonger could have hung around like the Winter Soldier to team up with the Black Panther in the future.

a street car interior

MotorTrend’s Randy Pobst has already said the Alpha chassis is superior to the Corvette’s chassis.

Hot Take: the Camaro is America’s best performance car.

“Why do you Jalopnik bloggers keep trying to Euro-ize American cars?”


I don’t think we should hold him responsible for the crimes of others. That would be like charging Boeing for 9-11. But since it was illegal to make such ammunition in the first place, he can be charged for that.

It’s an economy that baby boomers have been tailoring to themselves in the last 35 years. Who got to work at supermarket (which was considered a middle class job back then) and buy a house and car? Baby boomers. Who were the first actual affordable “pony” cars targeted to in the earl 60's? Baby boomers. Ask the WW2

I wonder how many of you clowns have actually ridden a HD. Or do you just compare number charts in magazine articles and assume every HD is total crap.

Yup, everyone on this thread gleefully celebrating the demise of HD are idiots. The whole industry is in trouble.

BOHICA. Cue the same old unimaginative HD bashfest, yet again.

As nice as the interior appears, I’m not in love with the outside.