What Would Justin Do?

Every time I scroll past the main image I always assume it’s an image from the upcoming Power Ranger movie. Maybe NASCAR should consider cross marketing. Tony Stewart would be great as the uniformed, maybe racist, horrible tweeting, white ranger.

I don’t know man, that sounds more like a Kinja Johnny dream then anything Justin would do. I mean you are the one with the original thoughts of man parts in their holes.

I hope any woman that thought about voting Trump has a change of heart, but I seriously doubt it. This will probably just go down as the latest controversy that doesn’t stick to Trump.

I’m yet to understand how ppl look at these candidates that have admitted to having affairs and have been divorced several times, then have the gall to say they’re “godly” or “moral”.

I’m all for the green jewel and the Schumacher. The others not so much.

I mean if the cops say the cars are overheating we can trust them right… I mean they’re the cops…

I totally agree I've lived here for about the last 13 years and it seemed like progress was being made. I think the rapid decline started when they attempted to gerrymander historically democratic voting districts. Then the voting rights violations happened, and it's been all down hill since then.

I would agree but in this case there was a previous police report. I think there's a lot more to come of this case. And I'm not saying he's innocent at all, I'm just saying I'm sure we will be hearing more.

I wonder where all the Fuck Kaepernick people are when it comes to this. Are we at a point in this country where LGBT rights are less controversial than racial issues? I figure Kid Rock and Tony Stewart would be all over this. The HB2 protest and the kneeling during the national anthem protest fall within similar

It must of been that Ferrari optional Fire Red. I'll see myself out.

The main topic for the next debate; What is and is not to be considered hot?

I know nothing about piloting an airplane, but since this one belongs to Musk I'll just assume one of those red switches activates Ludicrous Mode.

I'm firmly in the rear window camp. In fact I think we should build a wall in the middle of the car and make the rear seat pay for it. Make Windshields Great Again!!!!!

I think this trend of charging extra to "unlock" features a car already possess is shit. I know this will probably be $20,000 option and everyone is going to get it because who wants to be the billionaire with the Bugatti that only goes 261mph.

McLaren is definitely winning the super car game right now in my opinion. With their only slip being some negative reviews of the original 12c, since then it seems like they've been batting 1.000.

I don't know the particulars of the control Cuban has over the arena but I'm surprised there was a trump rally there at all with the back and forth history they have had.

I think you can add the Turbo Eclipse to that also. That was always the second car to have after a Supra while I was growing up during the import craze.

I always wonder if there will ever be a large barret Jackson type collector market for imports of this era.

Just wondering why they would split cocaine powder and cocaine other form. Together they make up 5.4% and would jump several steps up. Then you would think that maybe cocaine other form would also include crack which is at 1%. To me that brings cocaine all forms to a grand total of 6.4%.

There's a lot of people that do all that................... And then spray it.