What Would Justin Do?

No assumptions needed. He's quoted by local paper saying he runs out of charge 20 miles short. It doesn't say which model he chose so I can't speak on that, but I'm very comfortable saying he made a poor decision on tool choice given the job at hand.

It seems like the space race was the biggest and most expensive ego contest of all time, and I'm totally cool with that.

It is still quite a poor decision if you car lacks the range to get to your destination. A gas/electric hybrid would have been a 100x better car choice. Now all that is negated by the fact that they constructed him his own personal charging station. But I don't know about you, the gas saving may have not been worth

If you build it they will come!!!! Well probably not and this dude made what amounts to probably the poorest car buying decision ever.

I’d love to see a newer version of this with some Tesla’s new technology. Ludicrous mode anyone?

While you may be right in the business sense, I myself would like to know what happened to something I ordered and committed monetarily to pay for. I would also like to know if Ford thought that fulfilling orders in timely fashion wasn’t important so instead of receiving the car I ordered that decided to send it to a

Is it a possibility that the car may have ended up with someone deemed "more important" and then they just kind of forgot to replace his order.

Count me in as excited. Hopefully it's great in Gran Turismo because that's probably the closest I'll ever come to one.

It's funny how times have changed. I've taken many Sunday cruises on the parcel shelf of my parents corvette. Of course that was the early 90's when everyone wasn't so up tight about everything. Shit I even drank water from a hose.

Good points, good post. Another example of be careful what you wish for.

Requiring people to submit applications and social media profiles to use their own money to purchase something is heading towards a slippery slope. Maybe not this time or the next time, but eventually I see lawsuits for some sort of discrimination.

I don’t feel sorry for the dealerships at all considering the mark ups they put on all the desirable cars like the original GT and some of the premium Mustangs. And before anyone starts I know Ford dealers aren’t the only ones guilty of this.

I'll definitely take this into account next time I'm listening to Guns and Roses while I'm designing a car.

It's good to see that someone has at least a little sense of humor. Imagine this coming from the Germans over at VW or BMW.

Timeless design. That's going to be one to hold on to.

That's actually appears to be decent work from this distance. I would throw a more aggressive tire on it though

Now if only an Instagram picture could get the cops to stops shooting 12 year olds with BB guns we might make some progress. This just shows how tone death and insensitive "Blue Lives" can be when it comes to the people in the community.

My biggest question is how much financing 74,000 vs financing 80,000 makes a difference to people once they decide that they are in a position to spend that much on a car. I would think it's not enough to move a lot of units. If the reduction in range came with a reduced price closer to 65,000 then I think they may

I would bet that they are making money on both and just make a higher profit on the 75D.

It’s funny to see the copious amounts of hate every time HD is mentioned. I get it, there’s a bunch of guys out there playing Sons Of Anarchy on the weekends before they go back to being a lawyer on Monday. But the part that I don't understand is people hold competing brands up as shining examples of excellence and