This is how we lost Saab. Admittedly it had already been polluted at that point, but I would hate to see something similar happen to any of the brands in the FCA portfolio - each has something to offer if managed correctly.
Can we keep Ralph Gilles, please?
The current generation Grand Cherokee is still on the M class platform, yes, and latest comments on updates I’ve been able to find are here:…
My ELI5 guess at how this was accomplished: they got other shit out of the way and got a longer steering gear
I’m just gonna go ahead and leave this here because it’s relevant and not enough people seem to know about it:
But what aspect of the physicality needed are you referring to? What specific characteristic do you think drivers need that women have been proven less likely to possess?
Not trying to deny that racing is physical, just pointing out that the physical demands of racing - stamina, etc. - are not those where men and women are most proven to differ - height, ease of muscle mass accumulation, so on.
Stating that it’s a man’s world doesn’t excuse the fact. In racing, even more than in other sports, there is even less of an excuse as ability to drive a vehicle is in no way tied to genetics as opposed to statistically different physical attributes which are relevant for MLB. While I understand your point, brushing…
I suppose now it’s just a waiting game to figure out if Ford has been paying any attention and has at least a minimal level of security or if hackers will figure out how to de-ice any Fusion’s windshield from anywhere. I will wait with bated breath.
This was probably not the right context to explore the question, but I think one of the biggest automotive systems that would require a lot of innovation for animal cars is restraints! How are airbags and seatbelts going to work for all these different animals? I wondered this about your squid car as well.... Poor…