
Musk flushing $44 BILLION down the drain to try to buy street cred from the worst people alive (and fucking failing!) is the best argument I have ever seen for a massive, borderline punitive, wealth tax on billionaires. Who can seriously argue that the wealthy should have such unchecked power to dictate where society

No. No settlement. Trial or bust. Let us have a finding and/or admission of guilt. Let Fox burn.

Their only option to settle should be bankruptcy and shutting the fuck down.  Dont give them an out.

oh please, don’t let them weasle out of this. i want to see them suffer.

Actually, CGI has done massive damage to the moviemaking industry. So many little stupid things get CGI’d, like having an actor hold a stick and then CGIing in a gun later because it’s cheaper to pay a graphics sweatshop to add in a gun than it is to pay a unionized prop manager. Actors having to try to portray nearly

nah, it’s more like 3rd rate villain from a 5th rate comic book shit.

‘Pay To Communicate’ was buried in there. You pay him for every Tweet.

It’s a shame. At it’s best twitter was a great resource for following live events like sports or elections, making friends and sharing goofy jokes from funny people

Naming your company “X Corp” is literal evil cyberpunk megacorp shit. Although, Elon’s end goal probably is to be just that.

The Devito Seed has been planted!

Superman can wear platform boots and always stand on a box. Plus, they can cast an even shorter actress to play Lois Lane... maybe Rhea Perlman. She’s short. You know what? Why not go ahead and cast Danny DeVito as Superman. It’s about the only way I’d pay to see another Superman movie because they pretty much all

I fucking hate it when rando accounts just make up who got cast in what for likes and attention. I hate even more that it works. Fuck these people.

Are we sure that a recall is necessary? Hasn’t Elon said that everything can be fixed via over the air updates? 

That’s the thing, though; it doesn’t matter how much of a recalcitrant, childish piece of garbage the person you’re covering is, if you’re a journalist (or pretending to be one) you have to take that step.

You have to do due diligence even when you know it’s going to result in nothing. Or in a poop emoji.

Good news, folks! The guy who creeped on underage girls and sent an unsolicited DM to a woman asking her to “write a song about 9 Dick’s [sic] of different sized and ethnic origins hanging above [her] face, and then in the lyrics describe how they each splatter [her] with semen” beat the rap!

I hear Jeff Garlin’s schedule has opened up too.

Justin’s not gonna f*ck you buddy. Go white knight some other damsel in distress.

“My money is useful!”

Woof, did you get that joke from the Leftovers pile?