
Where do 27K former Amazonians find quick re-employment when the tech industry is shedding gigs everyday?

YOOOOO I have never heard of The Secret Of Kells...
I am absolutely watching that!!

And 2008 was the result of repealing Glass-Steagall, which was passed to prohibit banks from doing the kind of activities that lead to the crash of ‘29.

Presumably that cost would be passed on to the production companies.

Psychopathic hypocrites are funny that way.

Texas and Florida sound like truly f*cked up places to live with dirt dumb leadership at the helm. 

Tesla must be so happy about the costs of moving their HQ to Texas then realizing how much they hate EV’s.  Then spending more money to move back to California.

I think everyone can agree that the free market works best when it is rigged in your favor.

It’s worth dying due to the shoddy power grid being down for 9 days as long as gays on the other side of the country can’t get married.

So much for the party of the unrestricted free market and totally against picking “winners and losers”

Nope. The issues with the banks right now is that in 2018 Congress rolled back some of the regs that were passed in response to the 2008 bank failures. This was passed to prohibit banks from doing the kind of activities that led to the failure.

Please.  Never invite me to your garage, thank you!

I’ll give you four good reasons.

Yes, it wouldn’t work if the genders were reversed. Good thing then that they’re not making the movie with the genders reversed.

Yeah, my immediate thought was Country Life. For some reason that’s the Roxy cover that always comes to mind first...

Is this an attempt to sell me a t-shirt? 

So, it’s an even creepier Failure to Launch? Honestly, if it really leans into that, they could really have something here. And it would be amazing if the big third act twist is the kid is asexual and/or autistic, and his parents are just horrible bigots trying to screw him straight.

Based on this trailer Jennifer Lawrence might have wanted to extend her hiatus from acting just a little longer

I figured the shirt would be Country Life. That one was pretty innocuous. But then, I never dated a Roxy Music fan.

Noticing a patterns of slideshows on these sites now. Not a fan of it. Feels like a G/O Media thing and it just feels like a sign of things to come. Unfortunate. Thanks for writing this though. I’m assuming it wasn’t your decision to make this a slideshow post.