
The funny thing is that Gotham is supposed to be analogous to real world New York City, so that dreaded mixing of Chicago and New York people have been giving as an example of what would offend people already happened :P

jokes on you, a lot of Americans don’t even know where Florida and Colorado are geographically . . .

“privileged American” . . . last I checked China was a major super power as well . . . how are American’s privileged over the Chinese? I mean when it comes to global power, the only country that America has to worry about is China.

“Americans’ reputation for being self-centered ignoramuses who don’t give a fuck about the rest of the world” . . . I hear complaints about American-centrism a lot, but it always comes down to Americans not centering their perspective of the world on other countries. No one in America cares when Chinese or European

wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. I mean it’s kind of odd to think about it now, but this years incoming freshman will be the first high school students who weren’t alive for the twin towers going down. You can’t just keep old wounds open . . . let em close up.

What are you smoking? Who would be outraged if an image of Sears tower was photoshopped into the NY skyline? Or if Big Ben was photoshopped into the Paris skyline? I mean seriously, do you even have any idea how many cultural restrictions the Chinese have implemented into law because they find them offensive? You