
I bought the game a second time on PS4 to play while traveling for work. It’s very active! Be aware, though, it’s locked at 30 fps, and after playing 144 fps on pc so long, that's unplayable for me. If you're a dedicated console guy, it's probably fine.

Remove that annoying announcer (including the health machine and camera voices) and I'll gladly install The Culling 1 again. Keep the aerial scoreboard, that thing was cool.

FYI there’s a Twitch channel that just streams old episodes of The Joy of Painting 24/7. My channel hosts that channel when I’m offline. Which is 24/7.

So play in Baby Mode. I, and many others, feel that the pvp and coop aspect are VITAL parts of the Souls experience. It was literally the base idea that gave Miyazaki the inspiration for the game, and is a core tenet of the design.

He didn’t say it was unique TO Dark Souls, he said it’s unique IN Dark Souls.

I agree with the article, but at one point you say PUBG is unoriginal but don’t clarify what is copying. If you mean H1Z1 or the battlegrounds mod for DayZ, PlayerUnknown made the latter and assisted in the development of the former.

I know an Irish guy (who lives in Ireland) who thinks the franchise is hilarious. Stupid and hilarious.

I’m one of those guys who buys way more games than I’ll ever have enough time to play. So I have to force myself to uninstall games that I just keep replaying over and over so that I’ll play the new ones. But some just keep coming back: the various Dark Souls games being the biggest offenders.

Your treatment ofstrangers on the internet suggests otherwise. Hope you come to terms with whatever lifelong pain you’ve endured and start to heal.

Agreed! The fog map was an awesome change of pace and required you to change your strategy, which was terrific. A depression in the side of a hill that would normally be exposed to the surrounding area to a 180 degree arc suddenly becomes the perfect ambush spot. And they nailed the ambient background sound on the fog

“Endless Dungeon.” So excellent.

I’ve lived in ND for 21 years, since I was 11. I’ve owned owned and driven FWD cars, RWD cars and trucks (once drove a ‘95 Camaro all winter, one of the heavier snowfall years), and almost never had any problems driving without studs. Never even had snow tires. The only times I specifically remember getting stuck were