
I’m a longtime, hardcore Elite Dangerous player.

The entire exterior of this car is badass and beautiful simultaneously.

I love games. I don’t care what gender orr my character is. I’ve played plenty of games where a female character of your only choice, or a black guy, or Asian lady, whatever. In MMOs and other games in which you get to create a character, I make a large variety of characters. Men, women, black, native American, Asian,

Go make a game in which you can only play as females. Or transbinary race-queer wereunicorns. Nothing wrong with a game that only features men. I should know, I'm a white man.

Good God those are hideous!

I feel like the author made the Emperor come off as merely a sort of symbolic figure which maniacal, oppressive rulers use as their excuse for ruling humanity with a cruel, iron grasp.

The sun is in diiferent positions in the sky based on time of year due to axial tilt. Maybe it's just the wrong season. And I doubt they factor that into the game. Maybe you'll never see it.

If you know the names of the authors of a study, you can often contact them directly and they will almost always gladly provide you with a copy!

I never set up my voicemail anymore, and I never return calls from callers that aren't in my contacts list. If it's important, they'll try again or text.

I drove a bus full of 50 people from Fargo through South Dakota to Kansas City. We left pretty early, but the storm hit way sooner than they expected. They closed I-29 at Watertown, SD RIGHT was we got there, so we took 81 South out of Watertown to Madison, SD which got us ahead of the storm and back onto I-29. Then

Sword of the Stars, Endless Space, Endless Legend, and now Stellaris are those games for me. I’m always intrigued by DF, but the one time O downloaded it and started it up, it seemed so obtuse and such a chore to learn that I just putzed around and gave up in minutes. That was probably 4 or 5 years ago. It might be


The replies to this guy's (admittedly silly) post are hilarious and sad.

What now?

PK just received a few not-insignificant damage buffs to a couple key attacks, as well as stamina cost reduction on a few moves. There’s also a slight adjustment to timing to allow side heavies and zone attack on a GB, and Top Heavy can punish a Light Parry, but not a GB. “Dagger feint” had also been reduced in

I love Chivalry, but it is to For Honor what Street Fighter I is to Street Fighter V.

My buddy and I had one where we were both 15 gear levels under the recommended level. We had 3 enemies who knocked us down with heavies, regenerated health on hit, and revived themselves automatically after a short time unless executed. Meanwhile we started out on fire and burning to death and only regenerated health

The Warlord, Conqueror, and Valkyrie all have Unlockable stances. The Black Prior’s unique thing is blocking Unblockables.

Getting 300 fps doesn’t matter. As far as I know there dates refresh rate on a monitor is 240 hz, so anything above that is a waste. Generally you want to cap a game’s framerate to match your monitor’s refresh rate. If your game has an option to do that, that’s the best route, otherwise you can use a program like RTSS

Depends. I've seen a guy's shadow on the ground before I saw him come around a corner, or I've found a guy's position on a rooftop above me by his shadow. Countless times.