The Wholesome Games Twitter is a delight in a dreary world. Good job capital G Gamers, I'd love to hear their thoughts on ethics in journalism.
The Wholesome Games Twitter is a delight in a dreary world. Good job capital G Gamers, I'd love to hear their thoughts on ethics in journalism.
I think my intimidation factor is not based off of skill or mechanics (even those may be a factor), but one of time. I completely understand that this is a series that rewards those who put the time into it, and that individual hunts are not quick in quick out affairs. I do want to appreciate that, but it’s hard to…
aint nothing but a heart-ache
I’ve been so bad with Monster Hunter Rise. I really want to get into it, but then comes along just another game and I’m reminded I feel intimidated by it
A good chunk of the story is in the items
Thankfully WFH is staying for me, but it’s also going to be a requirement for any new place. I absolutely do not want to go back into the office.
Gotta move some boards, then after they dry out a bit from the wet week we’ve had, do some more expoying. The first batch ended up really well. Probably play some more Dungeon Defenders Awakened, but I am feeling so tired. I’ve been staying up too late this week, and have been having a tough time when the evening…
Even just reading the article about the stream.
That would be a significant problem. I'm generally aware of the plots of Resident Evil games, but not the overall arching story.
Ari: It’s a bit of a mess.
The only other Resident Evil game I’ve played is 4, back on the gamecube as God intended. I really enjoyed Village.
There are so many different iterations and flavors to the different versions. It's really something that is unlike any other anime out there.
Hell yeah, love to see another Morning Music with some classic 16 bit era sounds. Works been super busy of late, and I’m trying to add another research project to my load but it’s all good. Let’s get some Smurfs for the NES going for some good feels.
There is a distinct lack of a Kotaku fish up there.
Show me someone who is buying one of these cards, and I'll show you a crypto-bro
What do you mean, "reminds you"? That happened like last month.
Some more Dungeo Defenders, re-beat Resident Evil Village for my partner, some relaxing Clubhouse 51 Games. I've also got a baby shower to go to, as well as trying to finish up the shelves I started making. I dont know of I'll be able to get some more wood or not, as it's going to rain here for the next couple of days.
When the Link worked, it was a great product.