
Yes, I'm current on the manga. While the facists are being portrayed for who they unapologetically are, in some ways similar to a religious fervor, it's never gone as far as an indictment of that system. That's not required for a good conflict or as a resolution though. It just makes the fan arguments that the story

I don't see it that way. This season and and everything since the timeskip has been the Me Sowwing, Me Reaping meme.

That is very true. Alot of people wanted to like these characters, when some of the themes weren't so overt and problematic. None of the characters have outright stated their preference for nationalism or facism, but it is all they seem to know. Our world view is pretty limited within the story, but both the two

That's a fine reaction to have. I've run into similar situations myself with other media properties.

Im not sure I would say the story is about the dangers of nationalism ans extremist ideals. Those are certainly present but world that the characters want has never been heavily explored beyond the desires of escaping from both their circumstances and the circumstances of history. Everything has been born from racial

Never really listened to Chvrches before. This sounds like the song that would play in a late 2000s/ early 2010s modern romance movie, where the protagonist is chasing after the romantic interest after having an ephiphany. Haven't played Mirror's Edge Catalyst, but I loved the first game. I ended up spending way more

Not to mention the incredibly facist themes and ideals in the story itself. That said, I've still enjoyed the story as a whole and that enjoyment is not in support of those ideals.

I think that in retrospect, Skyblazer was a game punching above its weight in the music department. I think of it less like a straight game sound track, and more like a movie score where it's heavy on character interaction with an epic scene as the backdrop.

Im definitely not trying to say that Blizzard is the best company, or the same company they were even 2 years ago. I think many people are unaware at how much Activision's profit tunnel vision has been driving decisions at Blizzard. Everything that's been going on there for the past 2-3+ years has been Bobby Kotick

I fucking wish I could dial that back, but I'm not the driver in this case. Got to finish the office and get it back together before her next semester starts. It's part of a larger room swap that we've been doing.

I do that some of the times. Just makes it easier to compile my thoughts.

For everyone blaming Blizzard, this feels more like a high level Activision directive that was completely out of hand of anyone who is involved in the support or development of WoW.

Picked up Dungeon Defenders: Awakened and Monster Hunter Rise, so while I hope to play them this weekend along with Yakuza: Like a Dragon, this weekend will largely be spent painting my partner's office. I'm also expecting my new planer to come tomorrow, and I'd really love to set that up along with its cart.

That is some super doom-y sludge metal there. It’s been another super busy work week, and it’s going to be a busy weekend painting. Still been going through a lot of light jazz from Japan this week. It’s been good listening so far.

If I'm going to spend $900 on a video game statue, it better be NSFW. I want to be getting my money's worth.

Hot take for all you Gamestonks people, Fils-Aime was never going to be all that impactful as a board member. The guys has a great history from an operations standpoint, and if his role was even as a C suite executive, he could have made some real changes there. But not as a board member.

If you know enough to ask the question, you know enough for the answer.

Yeah, like Alexandra says, this type of music didn't exist back in the 90s. I think the closest thing from then was what was called New Age or the more established smooth jazz.

Week going well so far. The dog was so wound up last night, she just did not want to stop playing outside. It's raining and she threw up this morning though, so it's a day to take it easier.