
It was a big twitter thing. Ben Kuchera, who used to work for Penny Arcade on the Penny Arcade Report, posted a bit about how he was directed to kill stories due to business relations and overall shitty conditions there. There were others who then posted about previously known but also super shitty stories from

I’m surprised that PA showed up with the amount of flak it was generating going into the weekend

I cant speak for IGN, but no site is beholden to alert us to what is really a press conference. This speaks more to the lack of promotion on Blizzard's (really Activision's) part.

There were leaks? I wasnt even aware this was happening until about 4pm est.

That's good to know. I thought it would be a pretty easy and simple narrative

To me, it was clear that Shawn and Rebecca do not trust him at all. But they dont trust him because he is a completely unknown factor.

The game doesn't outright say it, but I would assume so yes. Shawn and Rebecca would have seen the data from the anomalies, and are at least aware of his identity as Basim.


I posted about Huniepop 2: Double Date earlier this week, so I won’t be regurgitating that completely. My shortened version is that the music and match 3 gameplay is awesome, but the scenario and characters isn’t. I don’t like how you are picking up several of the characters at their place of work, and I don’t like

I cant agree with you on this Mike. Secret Rings and Black Knight are just straight butt rock. They aren't the worst Sonic music though. That honor goes to some of the GBA ports.

Dont forget the ending of the Octing dlc

This guy and his room looks like they cleaned up because his parents are coming for Spirit Week with Gramgram in tow.

Lets wait for everyone to bitch and moan about this control scheme too.

No, its worse.

So much yes. I was excited for co-op in Bowsers Fury, to play it with my partner. But the little brother co-op was so aggravating. I recommend Good Job! instead for local co-op.

I love the Final Fantasy games, but the music has never really been one of the things that sticks for me from this series.

Then I stand corrected.

Because the controllers do, the consoles do as well. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to talk to each other wirelessly

The wireless controllers use Bluetooth. It's been a standard for a while