
Wow, I think Boss B kicks way more ass than Boss A.

I was saying that. Although Im sure that Microsoft does care about it's console sales, the real driver of what they are trying to do lies with Game Pass.

Much better now that the inauguration is done lol.

Glad to see the return of Morning Music! I did like the music to the Machine Village, but not a lot of it stuck with me. It’s a really good soundtrack, just not one I would put on and listen to.

Its like there might be a problem of them not getting paid enough. Man, I wish there was something like a group of people who be able to do something. Like say, maybe, do some bargaining. Maybe collectively or something like that. They could be a part of a guild, or something analogous to it.

Im not super interested in The Medium, but its available on game pass for no extra cost so I'm definitely going to check it out

Its a great game, but its far more closer to an old point and click adventure game than a platformer. I was thougj, extremely frustrated by the Subbasement level.

Im not really sure what im going to play this weekend. Probably just Animal Crossing, AC Valhalla, and Tetris. I'm approaching the end for AC Valhalla with only 3 zones to go, and I can't find anymore goddamn linen. I also hit a trigger that spoiled the identity of The Father (not like you cant figure out who it is,

Well then, im glad the first one is on Switch.

I love Puzzle Quest! It was such a great game. I think it gets lost in the talk about match 3 game, as does pretty much everything that isn’t Bejeweled, Candy Crush, or Garden/Homescapes. A huge point of concern is 505 Games though. They’ve been up to some fuckery of late. I really hope this doesnt turn into a f2p

Good luck Ash!

Gonna be some Star Wars Squadrons for the free weekend, AC: Valhalla, and Animal Crossing. I spent most of last weekend moving tools around in my dad’s workshop, so I hope to be able to get some time in mine this long weekend. I also just snagged a phone clip for my xbox controller, so I really want to use that while

Now playing

To all the people who were down for 6 hours of Tokimeki Memorial (I very much was), I’ve got a 2 hour video about a guy building a log cabin in Sweden for you.

Oh god, I loved Hero Quest as a kid. I definitely did not “know” how to play it though. My friends and I just did not understand the idea of a table top rpg.

Don't be like Gamestop's twitter last week.

I'll give them a single quick head nod with a flat expression for the leadership at zenimax surpressing their egos for a moment and doing the very obvious thing.

Two different jumps, same series. The jump from the Roc's Feather in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, and the flip jumps in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Both jumps were unexpected. Thinking of a top down Zelda game where you could jump was mind bending back in 1993. Certainly wasn't the first, but it

I got the alert to this last night. It's still really hard to process, for a lot of reasons.

Yeah, its been a week. I’ve got to hook up the new router and modem this weekend, so that will be fun. Also, I want to build a stand for the new benchtop sander I picked up, and play a bit of Among Us and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. I just cleared out Winchestre.

Hasn’t exploded *yet*