
You can check him out on twitch right now, playing the original PC port of Resident Evil 4 that does not have mouse support.

It actually doesn’t change too much. God Mode just gives you more damage resistance each time you die. You and enemies still do the same amount of damage and it doesn’t change up the patterns, so there still is a challenge to it. But since you get reset at the end of each run, you will get another stack of the damage

I’d have to recommend Stop Skeletons From Fighting

I think it’s years of playing instruments, but I have a hard time registering words in music. I hear the voice, and the emotion behind it, but I more register the timbre and color of the voice over the words for a while. A better way of describing it would be that I register it as wordless singing.

Sorry to hear that. I hope that you get good news from the test.

Haha, yeah, MGS4 does go on and on. I meant more of the ending sequence it its entirety. I take it in all as planting the bombs, fleeing, chase sequence in the jeep, creep through the jungle, fight The Boss, hovercraft, pistol duel, THEN its the end cutscene. It’s just a big bombastic escape and chase sequence, then

Remember the weird grip they sold with it to try and make it work on the 3ds? God, I really wanted that.

I’m not moving the goal posts in this situation. Word differences in Sony’s initial justification (didn’t think of it vs chose not to do it) is not a goal post. Obviously we as outsiders are not able to determine that. We can only best describe it as we are able from their own reactions and words, or the lack thereof.

I don’t see how my comment is nonsense at all. When I’m talking about cross gen saves in this context, it’s between the PS5 and Xbox series x|s. Cross platform saves between the PS3 and Vita, and later to the PS4 provides historical evidence that Sony can complete this from a technical standpoint, just that they chose

I don’t think its ridiculous in saying that at all. PS3 to PS4 cross gen saves provides historical evidence that Sony can complete this from a technical standpoint, just that they chose not to initially and are having to rush that feature (and something to compete with Microsoft’s Smart Delivery system) into place.

Yeah, the camo system was so different. Most stealth games at that point where using light or maybe sound as the way to conceal yourself, with visual concealment being binary. You were either in full view or you weren’t. The camo system was brilliant in the way that it made the game visually identifying you a

I did a similar thing. I was working at Gamestop at the time, and we could sign out games for “product research” at the time. I didnt beat it in the 2 or 3 days I had it, but I got far and then rented it from blockbuster to finish it up. The ending ramps up and goes on for DAYS.

I think Snake Eater was definitely the high mark for MGS as a series and probably for Kojima. It’s gameplay was such a turn from not just the previous two games, but also from stealth games overall. They were mostly present day tech and gadget-fests that were very fun to play, but stylistically pretty similar in

I think you need to re-read my comments. This is EXACTLY what I am saying. 

Yeah, you totally get it. This is about shitting on one company or the other, Microsoft planned for this, Sony did not and this is what happens when you try to deviate course on a multi-billion dollar project at the end instead of at the start.

I don’t think its silly at all. There is no reason why this is inherently more difficult for Sony that it is Microsoft. The examples you point out here are technical, and can be solved internally. Game suspend, name changes, transferring data, those are problems that have relatively simple solutions in the micro

Sony is mum on this because they didn’t think of doing this. Microsoft has made this cross platform play anywhere approach their central tenet for the xbox series x|s. People obviously have responded well to it, and Sony is caught on their back foot and is scrambling to put something similar in place as quick as they

This has to be the first Fallout 76 fuck up that isn't Bethesda's fault.

I am digging the first game save room music. I’ve never really been into Resident Evil (scary games in general). The only one I’ve spent any significant time with or beaten was Resident Evil 4 when it was a Gamecube exclusive. That is such an incredible game though.

That is super impressive!