Like others pointed out, the Back Panther comics are free on Comixology this weekend. I cant wait to dig into them.
Like others pointed out, the Back Panther comics are free on Comixology this weekend. I cant wait to dig into them.
I don’t think that is an actual Amish chair, it has too much ornamentation. Google searches do show stuff like that for sale, but I’m hesitant to call it an Amish style. It’s definitely not Shaker though.
It’s all good man. at least things are going better after the middle of this week.
Oh man, you have no idea how much I’ve fantasized about doing that. Unfortunately, my position and profession is highly trust and reputation dependent. I know that any negative separation would basically deny me any future positions in this profession.
I am the Milkman, my milk is delicious.
I’ve been pushing myself pretty hard this week, even though I’m not responsible for that absolutely terrible task anymore. This is more pushing myself on tasks I want to do, like wrapping up Control’s Foundation DLC, late night Animal Crossing, or setting up some old devices for testing scenarios. This weekend will be…
I was trying to think of anything from the Pilotwings OST, and just couldn’t recall anything specific. Listening back to it, I can appreciate entirely what its doing in terms of composition and arrangement. I don’t think this is one I’m going to be banging out to though.
I live in a pretty red area of PA, and there have been a surprising number of Biden signs up. Think I should follow that lead.
People go to Target and turn up their noses at Walmart are the same kind of people who think that money insulates them from covid. Jokes on them, its all the same place. Just like that spaceman meme, it always was.
First day of not doing a toxic work process that eats my soul for the first time in 6 months. The day feels a little off, you know? Like, I’m not being ground into a fine paste that has a thousand and one uses, and the day just doesn’t seem right.
Yeah, that NES composition is definitely baroque inspired. A lot of music back then was, and part of the underlying reason were hardware limitations. This article goes into some detail, but it points out that many 8bit era games had music written in a baroque style.
Had a chat with my supervisor last night. Apparently, someone wrote an email to her boss complaining about me and how I handle one of my daily tasks that has just been destroying me mentally for the past 6 months. The long and short of it is that I am going to be moving off that task. I’m glad about it, but also not…
I definitely was not getting puzzle game from this music. Much more like dramatic Final Fantasy/Chrono Trigger moments than anything else.
Bill and Ted vs Death is the best scene in the movie.
I wanted to watch this, but my partner hasnt seen either of the other Bill and Ted movies, so we watched the first one instead. I haven’t seen it in many years, but I think I prefer the second one between the two.
D’oh, look at me screwing it up, even decades later when its written correctly right about me!
Shadowrun was not a game I played growing up, although I do remember seeing it talked about in the pages of Nintendo Power and various guides. This is definitely a spooky-ass OST on all levels.
There is room for both Barold and Diana on my island
I was into Final Fantasy Brave Exvius for a while, but I've not really gotten into mobile games beyond that. I still need to wrap up Chrono Trigger from earlier this year, but the best portable gaming has always been the gameboy. Nothing comes to it when i just need something easily digestible.
Normally, I don’t get to choked up about celebrity deaths. I definitely feel bad about them, but I feel I have an appropriate emotional distance. Hearing about Chadwick Boseman though was met with immediate denial and bargaining, followed by frantic goolging and hoping that it either someone with a similar name had…