
I loved samurai warriors on toonami. Such a cool show with crazy armor designs.

Its not about being cost effective, its about having the extra money in the first place. When you have others in your life, like an SO, kids, or pets, you have to pay for things for them. In addition, your prioities start to change. And extra 500 or 1000 would make a huge difference to a lot of people, and they wont

Most people out there dont have a thousand dollars to drop on a new tv, let alone an extra thousand cash to begin with. Tvs arent generally an item that gets replaced every couple of years, outside of enthusiasts. The only reason a tv may get replaced is if it straight up stops working.

For the average consumer, yes 4k tvs are still not practical or cost effective

There havent been many imsges that give me hope lately, but this does

You are goddamn right it comes with a helicopter, art collection, and seven full time staff.

I know people are concerned about protestors, and rightly so! But the way that its framed here is ANY group of people gather along a public road way. I know that this is big sky country, but if thats how its written, it could be argued that this would apply to anyone on a sidewalk.

There is a simple answer to that. A black man came up with this idea. That is the sole reason republicans dont like it, even if they dont want to admit that to themselves.

I feel like the trope of people living in storage units is something that was possible maybe 20-30 years ago, but isnt really possible to pull off for any amount of time today.

My favorite link and zelda designs were from hyrule warriors. Scarf is super tight!

The issue isnt about 1 person making and uploading videos, or even about a house full of people who live there making and uploading videos. Its about running a production office (a business) out of a home without the proper permitting. If i have 5 other people drive 5 different cars (even if they car pool) show up 5

Flower plus ladybug panel for lyfe

I work in a secure facility, so no windows for me.

When you own a house you will completely understand why.

They are desperate as fuck for any team, except the rams

Bic cristal pens suck. But the pen in general is awesome. I love my technology, but sometimes i just need a pen and a pad of paper for a quick note

Honestly, a million is probably the bare minimum you could get for that tape.

I want to dismiss pharmercy out of hand because it comes across as a very immature view of shipping. 2 girls are hot? Ship it.

But how far to the right does it go?

Why in earth is the guitar in the lead pic flipped? I dont mean it was reversed for a lefty setup, but the took the model and inverted it so everything it backwards. Stuff like that always irritates me