
Dont forget that for any non human high level asset, revealing that would ensure that it is unable to be used again.

Time spent on the service does not correlate to the complexity of customer service problems. You need to differentiate between customer service problems (store and purchasing issues), technical problems (related to software problems within steam itself), and product problems (issues with the games).

Id say their terrible customer service is not a problem of scale, but rather or organizational structure and attitude. Valve is infamous for a very flat organizational structure, with very little direct oversight. Thats fine during growth and innovation phases, but not during phases where you operate as an established

Seems like you could just leave out the part about his wife and youd still have a decent joke for dads.

I think they are getting exactly what they voted for. As others, and HamNo before, have pointed out, people in general have been operating against their own self interest with regards to support for the Republican party and labor unions. One thing i very much remember from one of my business courses in college was the

The headline made me think i could poop and wash my clothes with the same machine.

Calling her a rancher seems like giving her too much credit. Hotelier seems much more appropriate

The orange crush pop tarts were terrible, along with the watermelon ones. And thats from someone who loves orange and watermelon flavors

And thats not a critism of her music or any contrversies around her, just an examination of characters theyve already released. Ive got 6 stars for refia, luneth, exdeath, cloud of darkness, gilgamesh, bartz, and chizuru, with plenty more characters to awaken once they release their 6 star rank. If shes a good

As a brave exvius player, unless shes got a 6 star awakening, will not pull

2 men enter, 1 man pees

HamNo is definitely Amethyst

I would say that would give him survival points, but not backwoods survival points.

To be fair as well, i think posts like this one are important and need to be reiterated. Please keep on fighting hamno, you’re my only hope

This feels like hamnos’ “fuck you, im out” post, only instead of leaving for somewhere else, he just goes and becomes a trainyard hobo.

I love how they equate the security of their twitter account to their entire organizational IT security. Granted, we dont know what they have all access too, but this group has been doing this stunt for the past week or more. Most likely just interested in hijacking twitter accounts. Its like “hey i keyed your car on

It has to be HonorTheCall. Everything else was impressive, but that story was important. I would liken it to any serious investigative piece put out by a major news organization on an extremely important political and social figure. The best analogy that comes to mind is the work done exposing watergate, but i

Must be cause of the time of year, but i read that as allen was apologizing to santa.

This is definitely the wrong ad for this article

As a lefty, no. This is dumb