
Last year’s Big Brother Mexico featured so much sex and booze, it was nuts. But it was all... borderline black out sex. Some of them were too wasted to even know what they were doing. One of the finalists (or did he win?) was so drunk during a party, he straight up took his penis out and started masturbating while

Wow. Confirmed everything I suspected or had read elsewhere. And I simply could not do this for any reason. I HAVE to get away from others to recharge - I’d go nuts. Moreso.

Consent. If you are black out drunk, and someone wants to put their pee-pee into your vag, you cannot consent. And vice-versa.

Producers have a responsibility to keep the cast and crew safe (or to look at it more cynically, to keep the production from being sued because somebody wasn’t kept safe). If this is as clear a violation of consent as it appears to be, it’s well beyond the point of “drunk people hooking up” and for a myriad of moral

Let’s be precise: The woman (and likely the man) were too drunk to consent but no one there gave a shit until a female producer fed up with the bullshit, rightfully made a fuss and took the film before they could “edit” it and, got the female “castmember” and others to realize what had happened and was filmed.

The woman was too drunk to consent.

So how much rape does the show need to be rebooted as Bachelor of Thrones?

Court Transcripts (TRIGGER WARNING):

What in the Earth-shitting hell is going on here? She’s a very smart woman. Lisa Bloom is a very smart woman.

If he’s got a license and the artist is cool with it, then <shrug emoji>.

That story makes me happy. Oprah and Jamie have always been very close. There was a time (maybe around the time this story took place?) when there were rumors that they were dating and Jamie said “If I was dating Oprah she’d have an entirely new list of her favorite things.” Hahaha.

Why even sing a spanish-language song verse if you’re not going to bother to memorize the Spanish lines, Bieber? It’s not like anyone would have faulted you if you had just sung your part of it in english to begin with.

I do have to say that it does bother me that the standards for being on air network talent are apparently higher than being President of the United States. But that a problem with voters not network tv.

with his “empathic ears.”

Is that what Stockholm Syndrome looks like???

Exactly. Fuck these people. They are heinous and the whole Quiverfull movement is disgusting. They treat women like nothing but breeding stock to be traded and bartered. They are the perfect example of the “religious” zealots who wholeheartedly voted for Trump.

It makes me literally ill. It seems so fake and sad and desperate.

It’s just like a dog. My dog recognizes (sometimes) that I am his superior and have the power in the relationship, and he (sometimes) can’t help wanting to please me. That dynamic should not exist between a married couple.

There is nothing about this family that isn’t skin-crawlingly creepy. The weird vacant expressions, the 1980s hair done to please some pervy old man, the stepford smiles, the fact that they “blanket train” (aka hit) BABIES. It’s all so weird.

Yeah, no. They’re suing to protect all the Joshes of the world.