
This shit is so prevalent and scary, and people still have problems wrapping their heads around the idea of domestic violence. I’m sure this dude has tons of friends who will say he’s gentle, kind, sweet, would never...

I’m hearing people who concede that he did hit her but they imply she may have done something to deserve it. “She’s crazy, she egged him on, there’s something off about her, maybe she taunted him about his mom dying.”

There’s this thing called Google? Didn’t know you were their therapist. Please provide more insight into the deepest feelings of their hearts. Guess that means Amber punched herself, is what you're trying to say.

I think that if that’s how he wants to play the game it’s a weak game. “She wants money.” Except you didn’t sign a prenup, douche, so she would’ve gotten money regardless. No wonder he’s reaching out to friends and exes to speak on his behalf. Using the beautiful gold digger angle is, in my opinion, very weak game.

Someone can abuse you and tons of people will come out and support them “they were great people, they would never! It didn’t happen to me! Lies!” It means nothing.

He has no self-awareness lol. I’m pretty sure he uses that male feminist shit IRL to get laid.

Yeah but they will still paint her as an unreliable witness because of her substance abuse issues. Same with Winona.

I doubt they would say anything but his first wife already defended him.

I see no difference to be honest. I see people victim blaming, doubting, saying there is two sides to every story, we don’t know her, why didn’t she leave him before, etc.

It’s not the most important thing here of course, but they’re right. I can’t imagine the emergency meetings right now. People must be panicking and bye bye Memorial Day weekend.

There is this quote, Google it, where Winona says she sent flowers and a card to Natalie Portman after filming Black Swan because her character trashes her dressing room and calls her foul names. She says it reminded her of her boyfriend when she was 18 (guess who that was!) who used to do that all the time.

It’ll be so easy to do damage control. Just send him to more hospitals to visit children with cancer dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow and done! Look, would a woman beater do that? Of course not. But let’s talk about Amber’s bohemian lesbian lovers and how much spousal support she was seeking, the money hungry whore.

Amber’s career is OVER. Johnny’s bros are all over Disney, Warner Brothers... Watch as they save his career while hers sustains the biggest damage. The court of public opinion already labeled her a whore, lesbian, sugar baby, gold digger, Gone Girl, opportunist, etc.

TMZ loves Laura Wasser, Johnny’s famous lawyer. She’s a pitbull. If you’re getting a divorce you pick her. She’s unstoppable.

Here’s the thing: the police were called TWICE. It was on the first visit when they didn’t see anything. Plus, you’re right. Bruises show up later. She has pictures. She showed them to a judge. Two witnesses backed her up. What more do people need?

johnny’s PR moved ahead of Amber’s and leaked stories on how his family never liked her. They also published a picture of her shopping at Tiffany’s after filing a divorce. That picture was taken back in April. Then he tried to minimize the marriage by saying they had only been married for 15 months. As if that

He is such a fucking idiot. Abusers are charming, social, friendly, popular. Ask Oscar Pistorius, Mel Gibson back in his good old days, Charlie Sheen.

Paul Bettanny is defending Johnny. This needs to be a separate post. I’ve been raging non-stop about thia because I’m tired of the mental gymnastics people would rather do before accepting that their beloved celebrity hit his wife. This is the problem with celebrity worship. We put these people on pedestals and it’s

We need a post of Paul Bettany defending Johnny’s sorry ass. His tweets are a mess and I’m so glad he’s getting shit for this.

The way TMZ is narrating the story... “Interesting, she’s filling a restraining order while Johnny has to promote a movie.” SO?