Especially by the man you love! Fucked up!! That guy deserves nobody.
Especially by the man you love! Fucked up!! That guy deserves nobody.
Every time an asshole gets caught they bring up “God” and “prayer”.
That was a huge mistake on her part, but Josh still sounds like an asshole anyway. The fact that he called her a whore. Why does that word just roll off the tongues of men so easily?
He has a hot bod but something seems off about him. Like, he has his temper issues too. Something dark. I don’t like the vibe he gives.
The entire Kaitlyn season he kept subtweeting Andi. What “rise above” he’s a petty fuck face.
Andi wrote a book. That’s an excerpt from said book in which she claims he called her a whore.
If you want my honest opinion I feel like he was coached by producers to say that. He seemed unsure to say it and then he did. More than corny, it’s FUCKED UP.
I KNEW IT!!! I knew he could never get past that! Did anyone read his tweets during Kaitlyn’s season? He kept subtweeting Andi about how HE ended the relationship because she was a liar. “Good for Kaitlyn for being HONEST ABOUT SLEEPING WITH NICK YAY FOR HONESTY.”
No, but it’s about taking a stand. Morally, personally. There are tons of decent directors out there. She didn’t need to accept this role, but she’s desperate for an Oscar nomination, and has been for years.
Lol she actually hung out a lot with the wife and her kids. They had her over for dinner at their house multiple times. She let her take her kids out for icecream. Kristen is a pretty heartless person.
Why is she such a dumbass? I swear she has never said anything intelligent in interviews, ever. This is what happens when you’re an 8th grade drop out. There’s always something stupid coming out of her mouth. Her PR needs to put an end to her talking to the press because she always outdoes herself. Woody’s own…
You don’t need to be a huge star. Carly Rae Jepsen got a show, Vanessa Hudgens got a show, Ashley Simpson got a show. Kelly Osbourne got a show. I could go on. Trust me, they’re not aiming for the A-list. My point here is that this actress was good. And she still didn’t get the proper respect despite actually being…
She is not getting FIT! It’s all fake. Look at her pictures. Untoned thighs, no quads, no hamstrings but a huge shapeless ass. Her legs don’t match her butt. When you work on your butt, your thighs get thicker too. Your quads, hamstrings. There’s no toned arms, chest, shoulders or back either. Using skinny teas and…
I love my mom. I just need to move away and break up with my toxic dad and sisters. I hope I can just move permanently soon. All opportunities I had shut down for me, so I’m still looking for new ones but I already made a promise to not look back once I leave.
Yeah but would you move to Cuba?
Lol no she wasn’t. Google old pics of them. Neither has ever been attractive at all let alone gorgeous. They’re all surgically enhanced to death since before they got the show and they do something new every year. Artificial beauty is not true beauty. Nothing about them is natural. Even Khloe’s weight loss was…
People are exaggerating for sure, but the overall point here is that Khloe looks stupid for the simple fact that she doesn’t know who the fuck Fidel is and what is going on in Cuba. Everything is a photo op to them. They can’t even begin to care about the relationship between Cuba and America and what is happening…
The situation is more complicated than that, people just want everything to be black and white. It’s not.
If she was truly into fitness she wouldn’t believe in waist trainers nor would she get butt implants. That fitness stuff is a cover for all the work she’s gotten done in the last few years. You see women like this all the time at gyms. They pretend to be gym rats to cover up lyposuctions and butt implants and when you…
Khloe lost her shit as soon as Kendall and Kylie grew up and took the spotlight. She realized she was the least attractive of five sisters now, not three, and became obsessed with getting slimmer and looking younger. Everything she has done started right when Kendall and Kylie started gaining their own following and…