“Maybe we need a gizmo that only allows car owner to drive the car.”
“Maybe we need a gizmo that only allows car owner to drive the car.”
stop breaking the law, asshole
agreed, if they dont pull over they start speeding, that car is a weapon, thus cops pull theirs.
Maybe if people didn’t commit crimes cops wouldn’t have to interact with them at all?
Stolen car... nonviolent crime (assuming thief broke into the car and didn’t beat up a grandma on her way to church). What would you like cop to pull out? A donut?
Yeah, if only fuel costs were important to trucking companies...
Elon Musk is no Christian von Koenigsegg.
Hey! Look over here! (Don’t look at our failure to mass produce the car for the plebes that we promised)
Oh ya? Actually I’m so anti-Trump and beyond tired of liars, I don’t believe a word Musk says at this point.
Do people still believe this guy? Martian colonies, 200,000 cars...come on guys.
Im not from US so I would like to know how the deal with the N word works...
“I wanted to be early in line to get that tax credit,” he said.
I think that maybe 10 years ago this made sense, it really helped move EVs and that helps fund development. The thing is, all the automakers have so much EV development already in place that all the credit is doing at this point is serving to prop up EV sales. I think this gives the automakers blurry data on what…
I agree with you broadly. However, the incentive does help the industry move along in terms of electrifying. At some point, the credit should go away because EVs should be conventionally competitive (as you pointed out). What I’m not sure about is whether or not now is the time.
The tax credit isn’t good for EVs, the automakers need to push themselves to make EVs more conventionally competitive. Having a $7500 head start doesn’t force them to do that.
Best opening paragraph in Jalopnik history: “I love to drive. My car is my happy place. I love taking it places. Often, though, I find myself screaming from behind the wheel at some idiot crap that another driver has pulled. Because driving with other people ruins driving. Because other people are hell.”
Tesla is still a car company in their infancy that is simply faking it til they make it. Nobody in their right mind with $80,000+ to spend should choose a Model S over something like the upcoming Porsche Mission E. When the Germans fully join the party its going to be game over for Tesla as an automobile manufacturer.
Agreed. The fastest thing about that magnum is its ability to find a repair shop.
“Used Magnums”