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    And with American Gods, he told them to try and stretch out the story as much as they can, and if need be introduce elements from Anansi Boys.

    If I didn’t see “Directed by Lena Dunham” in the end credits, wouldn’t have guessed it was a film by her.

    I mean that’s literally what he does in the movies, he does what he does because it’s the right thing. Not because he thinks he’s owed or obliged to do it. Like the first thing we see him do is scale a burning oil rig after being told that everyone on it was as good as dead. When Lois suggests he’ll be weaker stopping

    I saw an unfinished version of this a while back, from what I remember the uncle was pretty much on the up and up with Birdy. His plot was like he had to marry a rich woman over the woman he was in love with or something.

    Snyder absolutely understood Superman, his take isn’t even that extreme of a take in comparison to some of the comic books. People just have this really myopic idea of what Superman is or can be. People are just stuck on these ideas that Superman can only give these empty platitudes about hope, and smile and nothing

    The Joss Whedon’s reshoots were the “worst experience” he’s had. You can pretty much tell, in the Snyder Cut he looks healthy and engaged. In the Whedon Cut he’s bloated and bored.

    I think it really just comes down to him not liking people telling what jokes he can or can’t tell. Like if people got up in arms about him telling jokes about Albanians, he would probably double down on those jokes too. That’s really it. 

    If there is a second season...

    Umbrella were able to rebuild. In universe, everything up to the last game, Village has happened.

    Iris was written as a bit of a pill in those early seasons.

    I think Chappelle’s point with that is if you’re gay and black for example, people see you as black first above all. You can pretend to be straight, you can hide being trans from the public, etc... You can’t do that with being black.

    It’s not like the pro-life Republicans even care about that. Died outside the womb? Tough shit. They would say.

    I didn’t get around to the second season, but that first season of Twilight Zone could basically be summed up as “white people, amirite?”

    Signs is an effective movie for the most part. The first time we actually see an alien through the home video footage was effectively creepy.

    Probably more of a Skinwalker Ranch type of deal, if I had to guess.

    They did a second episode where he showed off all the renovations he made since.

    And the anti-Snyder lot are just as shitty, if not shittier. 

    Whatever dude, go join the circle jerk about how a hashtag on Twitter ruins your day.

    No, what gives them the right to be assholes is people talking shit. But those people hate getting called out when they think they are in an echo chamber, and so they :cry” about being bullied for their bullying behavior.

    Hell yeah. More of this, please! Honestly, anything that can funnel Snyder fan energy toward something at least blandly productive like this is for the greater good.”