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    What’s the point without Mick? Basically Ava calling Sarah “babe” for 42 minutes.

    Norm never did get to come out the closet. Because as everybody knows, he was a deeply closeted homosexual man. He wasn’t gay, that needs to be said, he was just incredibly deeply closeted.

    Without Mick. What’s the point?

    Green Lantern is the weird one, given they specifically could not mention anything about it with Diggle and had to tiptoe around it with vague allusions. And then the whole Snyder thing, where okay they had plans for John Stewart, but at the same time they told him ZSJL wasn’t “canon” anyway.

    I mean Lion King wasn’t “live action” in any sense of the word. It was photorealistic CGI, the fact that even now sites like this can’t seem to understand that is just sad. You write about movies, try actually understanding what you are writing about.

    Really the only movies you can say that fit into that criteria are BvS and Suicide Squad being in the more darker vein. And Birds of Prey and The Suicide Squad being the ultraviolent comedic romps.

    Considering Superman tells Lois that he didn’t kill anyone in Nairomi later, the guy survived. Like if Snyder wanted you to think the guy was killed in that moment, he would have shown it.

    The irony is, people say Man of Steel and BvS are “13-year-old edgelord movies”. And yet, when we get actually get one in The Suicide Squad, it’s a revelation, a masterpiece of comic book movie filmmaking. It’s like no, it’s just the same brand of Gunn’s juvenile and violent humor he was doing before the MCU. 

    I’d say that’s less booze, and more the fact that he suffered from bulimia and his more bloated appearance is from the fact that he’s actually eating.

    There was never a more satisfying moment in all of Jackass then the crew found out about his fear of snakes.

    Why is a film taking it’s world seriously a bad thing? Yeah, Marvel has their formula of light action-comedy, and it works for them but also leads to a stagnation. Because pretty much everything has be undercut with a joke.

    His original director’s cut was 214 minutes, and looking at his filmography he’s always willing to compromise on a theatrical runtime, so long as he gets his director’s cut out there. So, if WB weren’t so deadset on 2 hours, a 3 hour Justice League, or even a 2 hour 40 minute theatrical version could have been way

    And here’s the thing, when this whole thing started, Snyder’s influence was always going to be minimal, because the movies were going to be director driven. Suicide Squad, even in its compromised form, still looks and feels like a David Ayer movie (mostly). Patty Jenkins doesn’t really have a unique style per say, but

    They are someone with a weird hate boner obsession with Snyder.

    writer-director James Gunn said no thanks to a star like Will Smith, but kept the guy who throws boomerangs?”

    It might make me a bad person, but I still get a laugh out Goggins jumping on the back of Predator and repeated shanking it with a prison shiv while calling it a “stupid space f*gg*t.” That just doesn’t get old. 

    This show feels like a deconstruction of the sitcom, made by people that have never actually watched a sitcom in their lives. 

    Wrong comment.

    See, I don’t know if Spike, Angel, Drusila and Darla actually did have orgies, as in “The Girl in Question”, after finding they had a threesome with the Immortal, Angel and Spike are shocked and dismayed, because Dru and Darla never let them do it “concurrently” with them.

    And you love circlejerking about the guy being this imaginary fascist.