VW miles = dog years

I’m really glad this comment is getting so much support. Like some of the other sub-commenters, I enjoy driving most when I am not compelled to drive every day. Since I now live in a dense city, this is the situation I currently find myself in.

In a similar vein, this is a great article about how increasing automation in aircraft has diminished pilots’ ability to respond effectively to in-flight emergencies (and even somewhat mundane malfunctions): Vanity Fair - The Human Factor

They used to do this in New Jersey beach towns, but with trucks instead of B-17's. It turned out to be a lose-lose-lose: DDT exposure, still plenty of mosquitoes, and no B-17 fly-bys.

You may be right, but we’ll kick your ass anyway.

Precisely, also prospective buyers in the case of an HOA. While I certainly sympathize with any Jalop trying to work on their own car, blame it on all the hicks out there with front lawns that look like salvage yards for the general perception that a partially disassembled car(s) = poor, potentially disruptive

If that’s the case, pulling over to pee every fifteen minutes will need to be factored into any potential fuel economy testing...or it needs yet more cupholders for non-beverage purposes.

The author assumed most readers would know who Harvey Milk is and be aware of his significance. This is reasonable, but more context could be helpful for some.

Meanwhile in the United States, a presidential frontrunner appears to be campaigning with borrowed hair.

At the best of times it’s just a job that you can go home from at the end of the day, and the pay can be decent. However, the big difference is that, while it has its perks, the military owns you while you’re a member, which is felt to varying degrees depending on the type of work you do, where you’re stationed, etc.

One fortunate side effect of this (maybe the only): both beer retailers (i.e. ‘beer distributors,’ 12-packs and up) and wholesalers have to be ‘mom and pop’ operations, which means they aren’t owned by any of the corporate behemoth breweries. This means the people of Pennsylvania get just about any beer they want,

What do you think will fail first? The turbos? Or everything else?

According to the Google, current travel time by train between Zurich and Milan is just over four hours. Dropping it to three hours should make it much more competitive with flying, since at the three hour mark the shorter flight time begins to be negated by the hours spent getting to and screwing around in the airport.

It’s all good, it’s new enough to drive in Paris! Unlike some filthy, ‘90's Civic.

Pressure release valve on a high pressure fuel pump. Put on all sorts of protective gear to release it once, aaaand...nothing. Turns out letting the car sit for a while was enough to let all the pressure bleed off. I knew this, but was afraid anyway.

It would be nice to have some really simple, intuitive climate controls in button/knob form on the center console, maybe some radio preset buttons, volume and track selection buttons on the steering wheel, and everything else can be on the massive science pad.

Expired licenses have a habit of ending up in the hands of the people who look kinda like the person in the picture on the license, but happen to not be 21.

Consider taking route 13 down the Delmarva peninsula. Everyone knows that I-95 is stupid, and while 13 suffers from some low speed limits through towns that fills their coffers with speeding tickets, it has way less traffic and interstate-drudgery than 95 (especially crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel).

I can’t say I’ve ever been at risk of dirt-locking my engine before. Hydro-locking, yes...dirt-locking, no.

Definitely part of an employment/compensation contract. I’m just speculating, but I’m willing to bet this is the sort of thing that has become so ubiquitous in the world of executive compensation that if you’re a company that doesn’t offer it, good candidates won’t consider your job offers.

I find the stick figure family every bit as obnoxious as political bumper stickers, maybe more. This is the sort of thing that makes me think ‘I don’t know what happens to people when they hit (X) point in life, but apparently it’s bad.’ These things are all over my home town, so maybe it drives me nuts because it’s