VW miles = dog years

Agreed, I can’t fathom how an MTA line manages to last for a century sitting on the bottom of a river, but WMATA can’t seem to keep any portion of its 40-year-old system running properly. MTA doesn’t really need any excuse here: the system is 100 years old, it’s time. Meanwhile WMATA has nothing but excuses for the

While your chances of getting a ride in one of these after being arrested are pretty slim, the Carabinieri have plenty of other Alfas. They also roll around in packs on BMW motorcycles through Italian cities. After witnessing this, I realized my job would always seem stupid from then on.

If you take a step back from the political bickering, this is about people using ‘God’ to enforce privates prejudices (hmmm...where else do we see this?). This is more morally reprehensible then, say, a Jalop refusing to tow the SUV of someone that really should be driving a wagon or minivan, because the belief in God

I can imagine myself on the couch in my autonomous RV, speeding down the interstate and watching the scenery go by while drinking my third beer, and thinking ‘dude...this is fucking weird.’

We don’t have single-payer healthcare. We might be better off if we did.

It’s a dream for now, but someday there will be nuclear fusion.

State inspections are definitely necessary. While they might not have much effect on all those Grand-Ams in the hood, head a few miles west, where all the wealthy people are, and inspections are absolutely necessary for all sorts of silver-spoon ignorance like ‘I didn’t know I couldn’t drive on a flat.’

Rear-drive Volvo wagon with a BMW inline 6 that is all magically made by Honda so it’ll still run 200,000 miles from now.

To everyone with the ‘this is what America is coming to’ reaction:

Agreed, in America we have a fine tradition of confusing the shit out of our grade school students. An inch has a bunch of annoying fractions all up in it, there’s twelve of them in a foot, there’s three of those in a yard and 5,000-something-something in a mile, and don’t forget about your acres, hogsheads,

When will walking adapt to cellphone usage? People suck at that too.

Yes, but there’s only so much money an 18-year-old waitress is going to be able to cough up for medical bills (being 18, her family won’t be involved). This is one of those instances where the injured person gets screwed because the person responsible has no money, but you still have injuries, a wrecked car, and a

This is reminiscent of when BMW dropped the N/A inline 6 for the turbo 4...I know the 4 is better on paper in every way, but there’s something missing beyond those two cylinders.

At least I can appreciate the effort and motive behind Ford and GM’s claim to be ‘tech companies.’ Instead of ‘the future of the transportation industry is in technology, and we’re part of it,’ Ferrari gives us ‘the future of performance cars is t-shirts...and stuff...’ Not exactly compelling. Even less so when

I lament this all the time. However, outside of the military and emergency services, the most traumatic situation the majority of people routinely deal with is someone screwing up their TPS reports at the 9 to 5 cube farm (and I’m not trying to be critical of desk jobs either, since they offer the stability and pay

If a court order is involved (as the brief excerpt from the legislation says), does consent of any sort apply?

In addition to that, how many of these accidents were caused by the fact that getting a driver’s license in the U.S. takes nothing more than a lap around a mall parking lot and backing into a huge-ass parking spot?

When you look at the situation as ‘this person already has more than enough money, why the extra $10 mil?,’ it’s frustrating. However, if you look at it objectively, it’s not about ‘need’ but rather compensating for a loss or damage. When the loss if a life, its value is recovered by the person’s estate, heirs, etc.

I think there’s a bit too much of a knee-jerk ‘this is what’s wrong with America’ reaction going on in the comments. While the products liability/design defect claim against Porsche certainly sounds absurd, recovery for wrongful death due to the negligence of another is not a money-grab. Courts put a dollar value on

Having spent several years in the DC area, I think this is a matter of perception. Doing 80+ mph in a 65 in the Northeast is normal to the point that it’s merely keeping up with traffic, as is driving somewhat aggressively. In Virginia it’s a death sentence, and drivers seem more timid overall in the DC area,