VW Max

Hydrogen can work great and be extremely green. You just have to be a bit blue about how to make it.

The term “schtick” implies some kind of performance. This is not that, it’s a passion that has existed since I was a child (a passion so strong it drove me to study engineering, move to Detroit, and work for Jeep).

I’m just buying whatever vehicle I want to buy (remember, I have to pay for these machines with my own

I’m honestly surprised no video game company has set up a cosplay licensing department not just for deals but also to provide official information about characters and such.

Well, if nobody else is going to pluck the low-hanging fruit...

*sigh* I guess I’m a killjoy, but I wish you wouldn’t even joke about vaccine safety. It’s a hell of a lot safer to get vaccinated than not, right? Plus you’re protecting people around you by removing yourself as a potential vector.

Kind of a tough sell when BMW offers a glorious 160hp I-6 in the K1600 GT for like $10k less. If you’ve never heard one, a trip to YouTube is recommended.

Ignoring the Tesla threat until it was too late. Their cars are engineering garbage, ugly, and assembled badly but they have an “Apple Fanboy” like following that money can’t buy. Should have bought a controlling interest in the company before they were ridiculously overvalued in the stock market. 

This has been mentioned before...Acura execs getting jealous that their individual cars “Legend” and “Integra” had better name recognition than “Acura” as a brand, so they renamed them the “RL” and “RSX” and then slowly killed whatever public goodwill they had. Their fix? To make their lineup more and more bland yet

I will agree to this WFH tax only if it goes directly to an IRS Billionaire and Millionaire investigation division.

Yep. Also look up solvent traps. Perfectly legal until you drill a hole through it and now have a half-assed suppressor. Heck...you could buy Glock auto-sears that were supposed to just be cosmetic on airsoft guns...but allegedly could work on the real ones.

What you described doesn’t make you a “Rona warrior,” it makes you a hypochondriac. Good God, I feel sorry for you.

How about we just ban salt on the winter roads, and come up with some other solution (literally)? 

Let me give you a little more data. Yesterday I climbed under my ‘06 Sierra to replace the rotted out rear bumper. What I found under there, were two giant holes in the trailer hitch. I have towed 4k pounds with this truck as recently as 7 weeks ago. This scared the crap out if me.

I wish you well in all of this. You rock. Can we please get rid of Shilling and hire 5 more Mercedes?

We love you Mercedes, but the “Holy Grail” would be the wagon W8 Passat.

Am I the only one that wants Torch to do a article on these as well, dumb me would find it fascinating.

It’s little esoteric nuggets like this that keep me from completely losing faith in Jalopnik.

Plot twist, all the numbers are just KMH with the KMH scribbled out and MPH in crayon in their place.

Everything makes a lot more sense that way.


I’m still mad about the Nissan IDX