VW Max

That is not the point at all. This has nothing to do with its capabilities. It has everything to do with the fact that it still requires full vigilance from the driver, and as such is not a full self-driving system. Read the damn article. It’s free!

I say this as a dyed-in-the-wool environmentalist: at some point, we need to get people who don’t give a shit about the environment to also buy EVs. We need to get everyone (or at least most people) driving vehicles that aren’t powered by fossil fuels if we are to have a hope of preserving at least some of the Earth’s

If you have the money for this, you have the money for solar power which means you can drive this pretty cleanly regardless of how efficient it is on electric

There is always an exception to a rule or in this case casual observation.  The majority of these trucks have never seen and will never see, those unique wide open spaces and used for what they may be capable of.

While I can appreciate that borrowing a truck for free is obviously the best option you had at your disposal for moving a Changli, i think for full time Changli movership you’d want a full size van.

Just wait until some Youtuber like Jerryrigeverything takes a Mohs pick greater than 6 to it and see if it scratches. Remember sand (which is everywhere, not just the beach) is at Mohs scale of 6 and will totally scratch your unprotected phone.

How about focusing less on enabling Siri in more devices and more on making Siri more useful than “let me google that for you.” since 2014.

I don’t think I’d bother with a Leaf battery.  It’s (presumably) built around standard batteries of the time.  6 volt batteries tell me it’s probably golf cart batteries, which can be replaced with lithium golf cart batteries.

Give them a break, they’ve only been building cars for 10 years now. How were they supposed to know that the roof needs to be attached to the car?

Sorry, what?

You're trading mechanical reliability against software reliability. This can be a win, if the software is good. In fact it can be a big win. But it can also be a net lose if the software sucks. One of the reasons why incumbent automakers are not in a good position to capitalize on the EV revolution is because their

Having owned 13 Volvos, all I can say is reputation for quality and reliability? Yeah, uh, no. Safety yes, durability, yes, but IMHO that safety reputation was based almost as much on demographics as engineering as time went on. The 240 was ahead of it’s time, but time marched on. And in actual engineering, Mercedes

You are without question the worst husband in the history of human mating.”

I applaud your dedication to seeing this project through. It’s refreshing to watch a wrenching video where the person is genuine, the car is not showroom quality, the shop is not a hermetically sealed lab, and the mistakes are out in the open for all to see. It looks like TUV did not go to plan, but I know you will

People that have never left their own state claiming that the USA is the best country in the world.

I blame the 1994 Dodge Ram for this.

Out of curiosity, what about dieselgate stops you from buying a VW/Audi right now?

Modern motorsport Jalopnik has a problem: It’s too damn complicated, and it’s only been getting worse.

Ingenuity from an assembly line worker is actually a very bad thing.