VW Max

There are two things I remember seeing in reviews of the Avalon, and I’m pretty sure I saw both in Car & Driver.

Kind of like how there is only one major company making Pepsi.

Too bad it’s totally cool for a multibillion dollar corporation to pump shitloads of water for nearly free. Guess who’s paying for that massive subsidy?

Lexus is not a 6 figure car? It competes, and beats most of its class.

Just the looks department.

You’ve never had a conversation while driving?

It’s worth remembering that the Titanic was a passenger liner. That is to say, the ship was a means to an end, to getting to Point B.

I don’t “look down” at people who play Fortnite, it’s just that the mechanics in that game make the meta very cheap and obtuse. It feels like everything boils down to the famed spambuild-hop-shotgun tactic. Otherwise it honestly does feel like a watered down PUBG to me, “casual” if you will.

Could this be the first thing that I agree with coming from this administration? The problem is who is going to be in charge of it, because this administration is anything but competent.

Maybe they shouldn’t have called it ‘Autopilot’? Call it Driver-Assist. Don’t call it by a term that is widely used to mean complete automation.

That’s some extreme fanboying right there. Not even Apple fanboys write “it’s okay if they kill me, Apple roolz” letters.

can’t wait until 2022, when Apple announces they’ve invented a way for you to plug your headphones directly into the phone

Nothing makes you feel safe like knowing the company who made your car is doing the bare minimums to game the test. It validates the idea of the IIHS of mixing up the tests from time to time. Seriously that Ford test of reinforcing only the drivers side is deeply depressing and disturbing.

Fascinating. My (apparently incorrect) assumption would be that the vehicles would be symmetrical in their construction, so it shouldn’t matter which side hits. It’s crazy that they appear so clearly “built to the test”, which previously has always focused on the driver’s side.

Canadians may act all nice and apologetic, but never turn your back.

Cheetlolini is gonna have trouble finding people to work at Mar-A-Largo

Glare, mud, dust and exhaust fumes would impede visibility greatly.

No. Jesus rode in of his own Accord.