Did I miss the episode 1 convo?
Did I miss the episode 1 convo?
Alexandria is in the state of Virginia.
I work at the courtyard square. No. Old Town is an overpriced dump. I avoid the place if I’m not working.
Agreed. I was on the kobe XI’s then the KD9 and KDX. Bought the 15's and love them.
Um, season premier of ‘Atlanta?’
Bathrooms in the Pentagon. As its a historical landmark, even the bathrooms have that old school feel. Nothing like dropping a hot one in the place where military policy is developed and implemented.
The former capital of the Confederacy was Richmond. You’re a Southerner.
DC is in the South, yet so many places here do not serve sweet tea.
As a military brat, whose mother went into the Air Force a year after I was born, I just tell people I’m a ward of the federal government. I got tired trying to figure out where I was from years ago.
Scrong Niggadry.
Scarred. All day. Twice on Sunday.
RIP Coliseum Mall.
Funky Ride - Outkast
Possible I may not be black.
3/10. The rest I can’t rock with.
I had almost forgotten about Carlos Boozer and the do.Thanks.
I’ll go ahead and counter this with “GOD” by K DOT. TLOP is a favorite album of mine and I never listen to this song.
Issa and Lawrence are trash.