
I support this as long as Kendall is not linked with Chandler Parsons again. I want the Mavs to have a chance this year. Seriously, nothing seems to tank a basketball player more than hooking up with that family. Which is why I hope Khloe enjoys a long relationship with James Harding.

that, and also the racism was a huge turnoff

Let me tell you as an ex-US Bank teller, those “PayDay” loan checks are a b*tch! The “PayDay” checks are made out to their customers, are drawn off of that specific PayDay advance location’s US Bank account. So all day all those customers would come in and Want their $3k all in $10 bills! And they didn’t want to pay

On the other hand, perhaps some nice variety?

Honestly, I still confuse the both of them. You can show me a picture of Kylie and Kendall together and there’s still a 50% chance I’m guessing wrong.

Not only is this not exciting, I don’t understand why it would be exciting enough to make up.

Thank you for that headline. As I get older, I realize how important media awareness is and that includes (yes) bullshit PR relationships like this. Luckily, some of their core audience realizes this. x


So you're saying its the 23-year-old males on his staff? (and oh, what a lovely single entendre that is!)

Oooh I will be reading this. I am guilty for visiting the TMZ site on the daily and watching their program on tv. The thing about TMZ that is particularly interesting is their legal take on celebrity gossip. Harvey Levin is a lawyer. Half the staff (men) that appear on their show are lawyers. They scour court records

I can’t WAIT.

Will this article “hurt” TMZ? The Magic 8 Ball on the ol’ desk says no.

That’s a lotta sleaze there...

And hopefully this reminds people that there are a TON of refugees from Syria (and a shit load of other places) that need help. So many refugees get forgotten that a couple doing this and making the news might just help. I can’t see the bad here.

THANK YOU. Also, something tells me that the publicity around this event will inspire more couples to do the same. So even if you think that the couples’ actions are cheapened by the publicity, the publicity has probably also inspired many people to help more.

idgaf :) If even one person decides to do something charitable as part of their wedding because of it, then they are even better. win-Win-WIN

Yes, the world knows about it but for each of those 4000 refugees this couple made a tangible difference. So stop being such an asshole.